R. G. Waldeck, Athene Palace, Chicago: University of Chicago Press (2013)


Rosa G. Waldeck (1898-1982), a German-born American news correspondent with a PhD in sociology, lived at the Athenee-Palace Hotel in Bucharest, within sight of the Romanian Royal Palace, from June 1940 until January 1941. She arrived on the very day the German army marched unopposed into Paris; she remained to witness Hitler's fascism spread Eastward across Europe and into Romania, compelling King Carol II to abdicate his throne, leaving his teenage son Michael as Romania's King.

She remained during the Soviet occupation of northern Bucovina and Besarabia, and later the Legionaire's rebellion and Bucharest pogrom during which more than one hundred jews were killed. Although Waldeck had converted to Catholicism, she was Jewish by birth, and so thought it advisable to depart Romania at that point.

But for seven months she had experienced an up close view of historic events and persons, which she describes in her novel/memoir with penetrating wit and charm.

Recent video footage of the Calea Victoriei vicinity in Bucharest, Romania (2016)

Website: http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/A/bo17224203.html

Webpage created on 25 JUN 2017; Last updated on 26 JUN 2017