Curator: Dr. Allan B. Cruse, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of San Francisco

      A few of Romania's man-made wonders

SALINA TURDA - The historic transylvanian salt mine at Turda, Romania

TRANSFAGARASAN - Nicolae Ceausescu's sixty-mile military highway

CASTLE PELES - Royal summer residence for King Carol I of Romania

MUZEUL SATALUI - The National Village Museum of Bucharest, Romania

ATENEUL ROMAN - The ornate 19th-century concert hall in central Bucharest

CIMITERO ALLEGRO - The Merry Cemetery at Sapanta, Romania

CASTELUL HUNIAZILOR - 15th-century gothic castle at Hunedoara, Romania

BISERICA NEAGRA - 14th-Century "Black Church" in Brasov, Romania

CASA POPORULUI - Ceausescu's "House of the People" in Bucharest

CARU CU BERE - Famed 19th-century "Beer Cart" restaurant in Bucharest

STRADA LIPSCANI - Bucharest's main trading district during the Middle Ages

PRIMA SCOALA - The first Romanian school built in 15th-century at Brasov

ULPIA TRAIANA SARMIZEGETUSA - Ruins of the Roman capital of Dacia

Launched on 14 MAY 2013; last updated on 30 JUL 2016