//----------------------------------------------------------------- // apictick.s // // This program activates the Local APIC's timer-interrupt. // // to assemble: $ as apictick.s -o apictick.o // and to link: $ ld apictick.o -T ldscript -o apictick.b // // NOTE: This code begins executing with CS:IP = 1000:0002. // // programmer: ALLAN CRUSE // written on: 16 NOV 2006 //----------------------------------------------------------------- .code16 # for Pentium 'real-mode' .section .text #------------------------------------------------------------------ .word 0xABCD # programming signature #------------------------------------------------------------------ main: mov %sp, %cs:exit_pointer+0 # preserve loader's SP mov %ss, %cs:exit_pointer+2 # preserve loader's SS mov %cs, %ax # address this segment mov %ax, %ds # with DS register mov %ax, %ss # also SS register lea tos, %sp # and set new stacktop call clear_display_screen call initialize_os_tables call enter_protected_mode call execute_program_demo call leave_protected_mode lss %cs:exit_pointer, %sp # recover loader's stack lret # and exit to the loader #------------------------------------------------------------------ exit_pointer: .word 0, 0 # to store loader's SS:SP #------------------------------------------------------------------ .align 8 # quadword alignment (to optimize access) theGDT: .word 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 # null descriptor .equ sel_es, (.-theGDT)+0 .word 0x0007, 0x8000, 0x920B, 0x0080 # vram descriptor .equ sel_cs, (.-theGDT)+0 .word 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9A01, 0x0000 # code descriptor .equ sel_ss, (.-theGDT)+0 .word 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9201, 0x0000 # data descriptor .equ sel_fs, (.-theGDT)+0 .word 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9200, 0x008F # flat descriptor .equ sel_CS, (.-theGDT)+0 .word 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9A01, 0x0040 # code descriptor .equ sel_SS, (.-theGDT)+0 .word 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9201, 0x0040 # data descriptor .equ gate32, (.-theGDT)+0 .word dodemo, sel_CS, 0x8C00, 0x0000 # 80386 call-gate .equ limGDT, (.-theGDT)-1 # our GDT-segment's limit #------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------ theIDT: .space 2048 # enough for 256 gate-descriptors .equ limIDT, (.-theIDT)-1 # out IDT-segment's limit #------------------------------------------------------------------ regGDT: .word limGDT, theGDT, 0x0001 # register-image for GDTR regIDT: .word limIDT, theIDT, 0x0001 # register-image for IDTR regIVT: .word 0x03FF, 0x0000, 0x0000 # register-image for IDTR #------------------------------------------------------------------ enter_protected_mode: cli # no device interrupts lgdt regGDT # load GDTR register-image lidt regIDT # load IDTR register-image mov %cr0, %eax # get machine status bts $0, %eax # set PE-bit to 1 mov %eax, %cr0 # enable protection ljmp $sel_cs, $pm # reload register CS pm: mov $sel_ss, %ax mov %ax, %ss # reload register SS mov %ax, %ds # reload register DS xor %ax, %ax # use 'null' selector mov %ax, %es # to purge invalid ES mov %ax, %fs # to purge invalid FS mov %ax, %gs # to purge invalid GS ret # back to main routine #------------------------------------------------------------------ leave_protected_mode: mov $sel_fs, %ax # address 4GB r/w segment mov %ax, %fs # using FS register mov %ax, %gs # and GS register mov $sel_ss, %ax # address 64KB r/w segment mov %ax, %ds # using DS register mov %ax, %es # and ES register mov %cr0, %eax # get machine status btr $0, %eax # reset PE-bit to 0 mov %eax, %cr0 # disable protection ljmp $0x1000, $rm # reload register CS rm: mov %cs, %ax mov %ax, %ss # reload register SS mov %ax, %ds # reload register DS lidt regIVT # load IDTR register-image sti # interrupts allowed ret # back to main routine #------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------ clear_display_screen: mov $0x0003, %ax # set_mode: standard-text int $0x10 # request VIDEO service ret #------------------------------------------------------------------ initialize_os_tables: # initialize IDT descriptor for gate 0x28 mov $0x28, %ebx # ID-number for the gate lea theIDT(, %ebx, 8), %di # address gate-descriptor movw $isrTMR, 0(%di) # entry-point loword movw $sel_CS, 2(%di) # selector for code movw $0x8E00, 4(%di) # 386 interrupt-gate movw $0x0000, 6(%di) # entry-point hiword # initialize IDT descriptor for gate 0x0D mov $0x0D, %ebx # ID-number for the gate lea theIDT(, %ebx, 8), %di # address gate-descriptor movw $isrGPF, 0(%di) # entry-point loword movw $sel_CS, 2(%di) # selector for code movw $0x8E00, 4(%di) # 386 interrupt-gate movw $0x0000, 6(%di) # entry-point hiword ret # back to main routine #------------------------------------------------------------------ execute_program_demo: # save the caller's stack-address (so we can return later) mov %esp, tossave+0 mov %ss, tossave+4 # switch to 32-bit stack (must be 32-bit aligned) mov $sel_SS, %ax mov %ax, %ss and $0xFFFC, %esp # transfer through call-gate to 32-bit code-segment lcall $gate32, $0 # load the previous stack-address and return to caller lss %cs:tossave, %esp ret #------------------------------------------------------------------ tossave: .long 0, 0 # for saving SS and ESP #------------------------------------------------------------------ #== Executing 32-bit code simplifies addressing the APIC registers #------------------------------------------------------------------ .code32 # for addressing the APIC #------------------------------------------------------------------ dodemo: call modify_the_pic_masks call start_the_apic_timer call initiate_timed_delay call stop_apic_timer_tick call modify_the_pic_masks lret #------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------ mask1: .byte 0xFF mask2: .byte 0xFF #------------------------------------------------------------------ modify_the_pic_masks: in $0xA1, %al # read slave PIC masks xchg %al, mask2 # exchange with storage out %al, $0xA1 # install revised masks in $0x21, %al # read master PIC masks xchg %al, mask1 # exchange with storage out %al, $0x21 # install revised masks ret #------------------------------------------------------------------ start_the_apic_timer: mov $sel_fs, %ax # address 4GB memory mov %ax, %fs # with FS register xor %eax, %eax mov %eax, %fs:(0xFEE003E0) # Timer: Divisor Config mov $10000, %eax # countdown from 10000 mov %eax, %fs:(0xFEE00380) # Timer: Initial Count mov $0x28, %eax # Timer: interrupt-ID bts $17, %eax # do periodic interrupt mov %eax, %fs:(0xFEE00320) # set APIC Timer's LVT ret #------------------------------------------------------------------ clkhz: .long 1193182 # channel2 input-frequency outhz: .long 100 # channel2 output-frequency #------------------------------------------------------------------ initiate_timed_delay: in $0x61, %al # get PORT_B settings or $0x01, %al # enable PIT Channel2 out %al, $0x61 # output new settings mov $0xB0, %al # setup Channel2 Latch out %al, $0x43 # for oneshot countdown mov clkhz+0, %ax # get frequency divisor mov clkhz+2, %dx # for timed delay of divw (outhz) # ten milliseconds out %al, $0x42 # write divisor's LSB xchg %ah, %al # exchange LSB w/MSB out %al, $0x42 # write divisor's MSB sti # interrupts permitted delay: in $0x61, %al # read PORT_B settings test $0x20, %al # check: OUT2 active? jz delay # no, continue polling cli # interrupts suspended ret #------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------ stop_apic_timer_tick: mov $sel_fs, %ax # address 4GB memory mov %ax, %fs # with FS register # disable the APIC timer's periodic-interrupt mov $0x00010000, %eax # set the mask bit mov %eax, %fs:(0xFEE00320) # in APIC timer's LVT ret #------------------------------------------------------------------ window: .long 640 # for next screen offset #------------------------------------------------------------------ isrTMR: # Our Interrupt Service Routine for the Local-APIC timer pushal # must preserve registers push %ds push %es push %fs mov $sel_ss, %ax # address this segment mov %ax, %ds # with DS register mov $sel_es, %ax # address video memory mov %ax, %es # with ES register mov $sel_fs, %ax # address 4GB memory mov %ax, %fs # with FS register cld # do forward processing mov $0x4F54, %ax # setup char and colors mov window, %edi # point ES:DI to window stosw # draw char into window mov %edi, window # save window location mov %eax, %fs:(0xFEE000B0) # write to EOI register pop %fs # recover saved registers pop %es pop %ds popal iret # resume suspended task #------------------------------------------------------------------ #=== WE KEEP OUR GENERAL-PROTECTION FAULT-HANDLER FOR DEBUGGING === #------------------------------------------------------------------ eax2hex: # converts value in EAX to hexadecimal string at DS:EDI pushal mov $8, %ecx .L2: rol $4, %eax mov %al, %bl and $0xF, %ebx mov hex(%ebx), %dl mov %dl, (%edi) inc %edi loop .L2 popal ret #------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------ names: .ascii " SS GS FS ES DS" .ascii " EDI ESI EBP ESP EBX EDX ECX EAX" .ascii " err EIP CS EFL" .equ NELTS, (.-names)/4 hex: .ascii "0123456789ABCDEF" buf: .ascii " nnn=xxxxxxxx " len: .long . - buf att: .byte 0x70 #------------------------------------------------------------------ isrGPF: # This fault-handler shows register-values for debugging pushal pushl $0 mov %ds, (%esp) pushl $0 mov %es, (%esp) pushl $0 mov %fs, (%esp) pushl $0 mov %gs, (%esp) pushl $0 mov %ss, (%esp) enter $0, $0 mov $sel_es, %ax mov %ax, %es mov $sel_SS, %ax mov %ax, %ds xor %ebx, %ebx .L0: # store item-name in output-buffer mov names(, %ebx, 4), %eax mov %eax, buf # format item-value in output-buffer mov 4(%ebp, %ebx, 4), %eax lea buf+5, %edi call eax2hex # compute item's screen-offset in EDI mov $3800, %edi imul $160, %ebx, %eax sub %eax, %edi # draw the label item on the screen lea buf, %esi mov len, %ecx mov att, %ah cld .L1: lodsb stosw loop .L1 inc %ebx cmp $NELTS, %ebx jb .L0 freeze: jmp freeze #------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------ .align 16 # assure stack alignment .space 512 # reserved for stack use tos: # label fop top-of-stack #------------------------------------------------------------------ .end