//---------------------------------------------------------------- // memsize.s // // This boot-sector program demonstrates use of the ROM-BIOS // 'Get Memory Size' service (int 0x12) in order to find out // the upper limit on memory available for use in real-mode. // // assemble with: $ as memsize.s -o memsize.o // and link with: $ ld memsize.o -T ldscript -o memsize.b // // NOTE: This code begins executing with CS:IP = 0000:7C00. // // programmer: ALLAN CRUSE // written on: 28 JAN 2004 // revised on: 23 AUG 2006 -- using the GNU assembler syntax //---------------------------------------------------------------- .code16 # for Pentium 'real mode' .section .text #----------------------------------------------------------------- start: ljmp $0x07C0, $main # renormalize CS and IP #----------------------------------------------------------------- msg: .ascii "\n\r Real-Mode Memory: " # message legend buf: .ascii " 0 KB \n\r" # info to report len: .word . - msg # message length ten: .word 10 # decimal-system's radix #----------------------------------------------------------------- main: # setup segment-registers to address our program data mov %cs, %ax # address thus segment mov %ax, %ds # with DS register mov %ax, %es # also ES register # invoke ROM-BIOS service to obtain memory-size (in KB) int $0x12 # get ram's size into AX # use repeated division by ten to convert the binary value # in AX into a decimal digit-string, without leading zeros mov $5, %di # initialize array-index nxdgt: xor %dx, %dx # extend AX for division divw ten # divide by decimal-base add $'0', %dl # change number to ascii dec %di # move index to the left mov %dl, buf(%di) # and store that numeral or %ax, %ax # did quotient equal 0? jnz nxdgt # no, get another digit # invoke ROM-BIOS video services to display our message mov $0x0F, %ah # get video-page into BH int $0x10 # request VIDEO service mov $0x03, %ah # cursor (row,col) to DX int $0x10 # request VIDEO service lea msg, %bp # point ES:DP to string mov len, %cx # setup CX with length mov $0x0D, %bl # setup BL with colors mov $0x1301, %ax # specify write_string int $0x10 # request VIDEO service freeze: jmp freeze # spin here until reboot #----------------------------------------------------------------- .org 510 # boot-signature's offset .byte 0x55, 0xAA # value of boot-signature #----------------------------------------------------------------- .end # nothing more to assemble