//------------------------------------------------------------------- // udpseg.c (A revision of our 'segment.c' module) // // This is one possible solution to our in-class exercise which // asked you to modify our 'segment.c' device-driver so that it // offloads 'UDP Segmentation' to the Intel network controller. // // NOTE: Written and tested with Linux kernel version // // programmer: ALLAN CRUSE // written on: 06 MAY 2008 //------------------------------------------------------------------- #include // for init_module() #include // for create_proc_info_entry() #include // for pci_get_device() #include // for request_irq() #include // for copy_from_user() #define VENDOR_ID 0x8086 // Intel Corporation #define DEVICE_ID 0x109A // 82573L controller //#define DEVICE_ID 0x10B9 // 82572EI controller #define N_RX_DESC 16 // number of RX descriptors #define N_TX_DESC 16 // number of TX descriptors #define RX_BUFSIZ 2048 // size of RX packet-buffer <--enlarged #define TX_BUFSIZ 4096 // size of TX packet-buffer <--enlarged #define RECV_KMEM (N_RX_DESC * (16 + RX_BUFSIZ)) #define XMIT_KMEM (N_TX_DESC * (16 + TX_BUFSIZ)) #define KMEM_SIZE (RECV_KMEM + XMIT_KMEM) // Context-Descriptor parameter-values we are using for this demo #define HDRLEN 42 // For UDP: equals UDP Checksum Offset + 2 #define MSS 1000 // Maximum Segment Size (excludes headers) typedef struct { unsigned char ipcss; unsigned char ipcso; unsigned short ipcse; unsigned char tucss; unsigned char tucso; unsigned short tucse; unsigned int paylen:20; unsigned int dtyp:4; unsigned int tucmd:8; unsigned char status; unsigned char hdrlen; unsigned short mss; } TX_CONTEXT_SEGMENT; typedef struct { unsigned long long base_addr; unsigned int dtalen:20; unsigned int dtyp:4; unsigned int dcmd:8; unsigned char status; unsigned char pkt_options; unsigned short vlan_tag; } TX_CONTEXT_DATA; typedef union { TX_CONTEXT_SEGMENT off; TX_CONTEXT_DATA dat; } TX_DESCRIPTOR; typedef struct { unsigned long long base_address; unsigned short packet_length; unsigned short packet_chksum; unsigned char desc_status; unsigned char desc_errors; unsigned short vlan_tag; } RX_DESCRIPTOR; enum { E1000_CTRL = 0x0000, // Device Control E1000_STATUS = 0x0008, // Device Status E1000_VET = 0x0038, // VLAN Ether Type E1000_ICR = 0x00C0, // Interrupt Cause Read E1000_ICS = 0x00C8, // Interrupt Cause Set E1000_IMS = 0x00D0, // Interrupt Mask Set E1000_IMC = 0x00D8, // Interrupt Mask Clear E1000_RCTL = 0x0100, // Receive Control E1000_TCTL = 0x0400, // Transmit Control E1000_RDBAL = 0x2800, // Receive Descriptor Base Addr Low E1000_RDBAH = 0x2804, // Receive Descriptor Base Addr High E1000_RDLEN = 0x2808, // Receive Descriptor Length E1000_RDH = 0x2810, // Receive Descriptor Head E1000_RDT = 0x2818, // Receive Descriptor Tail E1000_RXDCTL = 0x2828, // Receive Descriptor Control E1000_TDBAL = 0x3800, // Transmit Descriptor Base Addr Low E1000_TDBAH = 0x3804, // Transmit Descriptor Base Addr High E1000_TDLEN = 0x3808, // Transmit Descriptor Length E1000_TDH = 0x3810, // Transmit Descriptor Head E1000_TDT = 0x3818, // Transmit Descriptor Tail E1000_TXDCTL = 0x3828, // Transmit Descriptor Control E1000_CRCERRS = 0x4000, // CRC Errors E1000_TPR = 0x40D0, // Total Packets Received E1000_TPT = 0x40D4, // Total Packets Transmitted E1000_RXCSUM = 0x5000, // Receive Checksum Control E1000_RA = 0x5400, // Receive-filter Array E1000_VFTA = 0x5600, // VLAN Filter Table Array E1000_TORL = 0x40C0, // Total Octets Received Low E1000_TORH = 0x40C4, // Total Octets Received High E1000_TOTL = 0x40C8, // Total Octets Transmitted Low E1000_TOTH = 0x40CC, // Total Octets Transmitted High E1000_TSCTC = 0x40F8, // Total TCP Seg Context Transmitted Count E1000_TSCTFC = 0x40FC, // Total TCP Seg Context Tx Failure Count }; // some hard-coded IP-addresses for anchor-cluster testing unsigned char srcIP[4] = { 192, 168, 2, 200 }; unsigned char dstIP[4] = { 192, 168, 2, 201 }; char modname[] = "udpseg"; char devname[] = "nic"; char info_rx[] = "nicrx"; char info_tx[] = "nictx"; int my_major = 97; struct pci_dev *devp; unsigned int mmio_base; unsigned int mmio_size; void *io, *kmem; RX_DESCRIPTOR *rxring; TX_DESCRIPTOR *txring; unsigned int kmem_phys; unsigned int rx_desc, rx_buf; unsigned int tx_desc, tx_buf; unsigned char mac[6], dstn[6]; unsigned short vlan_id = 0x456; wait_queue_head_t wq_recv; wait_queue_head_t wq_xmit; irqreturn_t my_isr( int irq, void *dev_id ) { static int reps = 0; int intr_cause = ioread32( io + E1000_ICR ); if ( intr_cause == 0 ) return IRQ_NONE; printk( "NICTCP %-2d cause=%08X ", ++reps, intr_cause ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<0) ) printk( "TXDW " ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<1) ) printk( "TXQE " ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<2) ) printk( "LC " ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<4) ) printk( "RXDMT0 " ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<6) ) printk( "RXO " ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<7) ) printk( "RXT0 " ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<9) ) printk( "MDAC " ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<15) ) printk( "TXDLOW " ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<16) ) printk( "SRPD " ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<17) ) printk( "ACK " ); printk( "\n" ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<4) ) // Rx-Descriptors Low { int rxtail = ioread32( io + E1000_RDT ), i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { rxring[ rxtail ].desc_status = 0; rxring[ rxtail ].packet_length = 0; rxtail = (1 + rxtail) % N_RX_DESC; } iowrite32( rxtail, io + E1000_RDT ); } if ( intr_cause & (1<<0) ) // Tx-descriptor Written back wake_up_interruptible( &wq_xmit ); if ( intr_cause & (1<<7) ) // Rx-descriptor Timer expired wake_up_interruptible( &wq_recv ); iowrite32( intr_cause, io + E1000_ICR ); return IRQ_HANDLED; } ssize_t my_read( struct file *file, char *buf, size_t len, loff_t *pos ) { static int rxhead = 0, pickup = 0; unsigned char *cp = phys_to_virt( rxring[ rxhead ].base_address ); int count, nbytes; // sleep until the current descriptor has nonzero status if (( pickup == 0 )&&( rxring[ rxhead ].desc_status == 0 )) { if ( file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK ) return 0; printk( "NICTCP READ: going to sleep \n" ); if ( wait_event_interruptible( wq_recv, rxring[ rxhead ].desc_status ) ) return -EINTR; printk( "NICTCP READ: waking up \n" ); } // Here we do not handle packets that exceed packet-buffer size if ( ( rxring[ rxhead ].desc_status & 3 ) == 1 ) { printk( "NICTCP READ: Oversized packet dropped\n" ); while ( ( rxring[ rxhead ].desc_status & 3 ) == 1 ); { rxhead = (1 + rxhead) % N_RX_DESC; } pickup = 0; return -EMSGSIZE; } // get the number of actual data-bytes in this packet count = *(unsigned short*)(cp + 16); // IP Total Length count = htons( count ) - 28; // now we try to copy these data-bytes to the user's buffer nbytes = (count > len + pickup) ? len : count - pickup; if ( copy_to_user( buf, cp+HDRLEN+pickup, nbytes ) ) return -EFAULT; pickup += nbytes; // if all packet-data was transferred, advance 'rxhead' index if ( pickup >= count ) { pickup = 0; rxhead = (1 + rxhead) % N_RX_DESC; } // tell the kernel how many bytes were transferred return nbytes; } ssize_t my_write( struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t len, loff_t *pos ) { unsigned int txtail = ioread32( io + E1000_TDT ); unsigned int ba = tx_buf + ( txtail * TX_BUFSIZ ); char *cp = phys_to_virt( ba ); // sleep until the controller has finished with next descriptor if ( txring[ txtail ].dat.status == 0 ) { if ( file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK ) return 0; printk( "NICTCP WRITE: going to sleep \n" ); if ( wait_event_interruptible( wq_xmit, txring[ txtail ].dat.status ) ) return -EINTR; printk( "NICTCP WRITE: waking up\n" ); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Here we build up the packet-buffer's contents 'bottom-up' // to allow temporary use of a TCP pseudo-header for setting // up an initial value in the TCP-Segment's Checksum field. // And, for demonstration purposes, we compute the checksums // manually (and write them to the log-file for inspection), // but we leave it up to the NIC to actually insert them into // the context-designated fields of the outgoing packets. //------------------------------------------------------------ // here we do not support writing of more bytes than will fit in // just a single TX packet-buffer (Header-Length: 14+20+20 = 54) if ( len + HDRLEN > TX_BUFSIZ ) len = TX_BUFSIZ - HDRLEN; if ( len & 1 ) cp[ HDRLEN + len ] = 0; // append zero if odd //------------------------------------------------------------ // copy the user's data to current descriptor's packet-buffer //------------------------------------------------------------ if ( copy_from_user( cp+HDRLEN, buf, len ) ) return -EFAULT; //--------------------------------- // prepend the UDP header (8 bytes) //--------------------------------- *(unsigned short*)(cp+34) = htons(0); // source port *(unsigned short*)(cp+36) = htons(0); // dest'n port *(unsigned short*)(cp+38) = htons(8+len); // UDP Length *(unsigned short*)(cp+40) = htons(0); // UDP Checksum //-------------------------------------------- // prepend (temporarily) the UDP 'pseudo' hreader //-------------------------------------------- *(unsigned char*)(cp+30) = dstIP[0]; // Dest'n IP *(unsigned char*)(cp+31) = dstIP[1]; // Dest'n IP *(unsigned char*)(cp+32) = dstIP[2]; // Dest'n IP *(unsigned char*)(cp+33) = dstIP[3]; // Dest'n IP *(unsigned char*)(cp+26) = srcIP[0]; // Source IP *(unsigned char*)(cp+27) = srcIP[1]; // Source IP *(unsigned char*)(cp+28) = srcIP[2]; // Source IP *(unsigned char*)(cp+29) = srcIP[3]; // Source IP *(unsigned short*)(cp+22) = htons( 0x0011 ); // UDP protocol-ID *(unsigned short*)(cp+24) = htons( 8 + len ); // UDP Seg Len // compute and exhibit the UDP checksum { int i; unsigned int nbytes = 8 + len + 12; // UDP-seg + pseudo unsigned int nwords = (nbytes / 2) + (nbytes % 2); // loop-count unsigned short *wp = (unsigned short*)(cp + 22); // TUCSS unsigned int cksum = 0; for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++) cksum += htons( wp[i] ); cksum += (cksum >> 16); cksum &= 0xFFFF; cksum ^= 0xFFFF; // *(unsigned short*)( cp + 40 ) = htons( cksum ); printk( "manually computed UDP checksum = %04X \n", cksum ); } *(unsigned short*)(cp+24) = htons( 0 ); // UDP Seg Len (SET TO ZERO) // compute and insert the UDP Pseudo-Header Checksum { int i; unsigned int nwords = 6; unsigned short *wp = (unsigned short *)(cp + 22); unsigned int cksum = 0; for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++) cksum += htons( wp[i] ); cksum += (cksum >> 16); cksum &= 0xFFFF; *(unsigned short*)( cp + 40 ) = htons( cksum ); printk( "manually computed pseudo-header checksum = %04X\n", cksum ); } //-------------------------------- // setup the IP header (20 bytes) //-------------------------------- *(unsigned short*)(cp+14) = htons( 0x4500 ); // vers, HLEN, TOS *(unsigned short*)(cp+16) = htons( len+28 ); // IP Total Length *(unsigned short*)(cp+18) = htons(0); // identification *(unsigned short*)(cp+20) = htons(0); // fragment offset *(unsigned char*)(cp+22) = 64; // TTL *(unsigned char*)(cp+23) = 17; // protocol is UDP *(unsigned short*)(cp+24) = 0; // Header checksum // compute and exhibit the IP-Header Checksum { int i; unsigned short *wp = (unsigned short*)( cp + 14 ); unsigned int nwords = 10; unsigned int cksum = 0; for (i = 0; i < nwords; i++) cksum += htons( wp[ i ] ); cksum += (cksum >> 16); cksum &= 0xFFFF; cksum ^= 0xFFFF; // *(unsigned short*)(cp+24) = htons( cksum ); printk( "manually computed IP checksum = %04X \n", cksum ); } *(unsigned short*)(cp+16) = htons(0); // IP Total Length //-------------------------------------- // setup the ethernet header (14 bytes) //-------------------------------------- memcpy( cp+0, dstn, 6 ); memcpy( cp+6, mac, 6 ); *(unsigned short*)(cp + 12) = htons( 0x0800 ); // Ethernet Type //------------------------------------------------------------- // setup the packet's SEGMENTATION-CONTEXT TRANSMIT-DESCRIPTOR //------------------------------------------------------------ txring[ txtail ].off.ipcss = 14; // IP-Header Checksum Start txring[ txtail ].off.ipcso = 24; // IP-Header Checksum Offset txring[ txtail ].off.ipcse = 34; // IP-Header Checksum Ending txring[ txtail ].off.tucss = 34; // UDP-Segment Checksum Start txring[ txtail ].off.tucso = 40; // UDP-Segment Checksum Offset txring[ txtail ].off.tucse = 0; // UDP-Segment Checksum Ending txring[ txtail ].off.paylen = len; // total data-length (excludes headers) txring[ txtail ].off.dtyp = 0; // Type 0 Context Descriptor txring[ txtail ].off.tucmd = 0; // temporarily zero, adjusted below txring[ txtail ].off.status = 0; // clear descriptor-status bits txring[ txtail ].off.hdrlen = HDRLEN; // total length of headers txring[ txtail ].off.mss = MSS; // Max data-length per-segment txring[ txtail ].off.tucmd |= (0<<0); // TCP=0 (for UDP-checksum) txring[ txtail ].off.tucmd |= (1<<1); // IP=1 (for IP-checksum) txring[ txtail ].off.tucmd |= (1<<2); // TSE (TCP-Seg Enable) txring[ txtail ].off.tucmd |= (1<<3); // RS (Report Status) txring[ txtail ].off.tucmd |= (1<<5); // DEXT=1 (Extened descriptor) txtail = (1 + txtail) % N_TX_DESC; //----------------------------------------------------- // SETUP THE packet's DATA-CONTEXT TRANSMIT-DESCRIPTOR //----------------------------------------------------- txring[ txtail ].dat.base_addr = ba; // buffer's base-address txring[ txtail ].dat.dtalen = HDRLEN+len; // buffer's data-length txring[ txtail ].dat.dtyp = 1; // Type 1 Context Descriptor txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd = 0; // temporarily zero, adjusted below txring[ txtail ].dat.status = 0; // clear descriptor-status bits txring[ txtail ].dat.pkt_options = 0; // temporarily zero, adjusted below txring[ txtail ].dat.vlan_tag = vlan_id; // provide VLAN identification txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd |= (1<<0); // EOP (End-Of-Packet) txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd |= (0<<1); // IFCS (Insert FCS) txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd |= (1<<2); // TSE (TCP-Seg Enable) txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd |= (1<<3); // RS (Report Status) txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd |= (1<<5); // DEXT (Extended Descriptor) txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd |= (1<<6); // VLE (VLAN Enable) txring[ txtail ].dat.pkt_options |= (1<<0); // IXSM (IP-CkSum) txring[ txtail ].dat.pkt_options |= (1<<1); // TXSM (TCP-CkSum) txtail = (1 + txtail) % N_TX_DESC; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // give ownership of these descriptors to the network controller //--------------------------------------------------------------- iowrite32( txtail, io + E1000_TDT ); return len; } int my_ioctl( struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int request, unsigned long address ) { // TODO: return -EINVAL; } struct file_operations my_fops = { owner: THIS_MODULE, write: my_write, read: my_read, ioctl: my_ioctl, }; int my_get_info_rx( char *buf, char **start, off_t off, int count ) { static int n_recv_packets = 0; static int n_recv_octets = 0; int i, head, tail, len = 0; n_recv_packets += ioread32( io + E1000_TPR ); n_recv_octets += ioread32( io + E1000_TORL ); ioread32( io + E1000_TORH ); head = ioread32( io + E1000_RDH ); tail = ioread32( io + E1000_RDT ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n Receive-Descriptor Buffer-Area " ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "(head=%d, tail=%d) \n\n", head, tail ); for (i = 0; i < N_RX_DESC; i++) { int status = rxring[ i ].desc_status; int errors = rxring[ i ].desc_errors; len += sprintf( buf+len, " #%-2d ", i ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "%08lX: ", (long)(rxring + i) ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "%016llX ", rxring[i].base_address ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "%04X ", rxring[i].packet_length ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "%04X ", rxring[i].packet_chksum ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "%02X ", rxring[i].desc_status ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "%02X ", rxring[i].desc_errors ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "%04X ", rxring[i].vlan_tag ); // len += sprintf( buf+len, " " ); if ( status & (1<<0) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "DD " ); if ( status & (1<<1) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "EOP " ); if ( status & (1<<2) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "IXSM " ); if ( status & (1<<3) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "VP " ); if ( status & (1<<5) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "TCPCS " ); if ( status & (1<<6) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "IPCS " ); if ( status & (1<<7) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "PIF " ); len += sprintf( buf+len, " " ); if ( errors & (1<<0) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "CE " ); if ( errors & (1<<2) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "FE " ); if ( errors & (1<<5) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "TCPE " ); if ( errors & (1<<6) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "IPE " ); if ( errors & (1<<7) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "RXE " ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n" ); } len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n" ); len += sprintf( buf+len, " total packets received = %d ", n_recv_packets ); len += sprintf( buf+len, " total octets received = %d ", n_recv_octets ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n\n" ); return len; } int my_get_info_tx( char *buf, char **start, off_t off, int count ) { static int n_xmit_packets = 0; static int n_xmit_octets = 0; static int n_contexts_sent = 0; static int n_context_fails = 0; int i, head, tail, len = 0; n_xmit_packets += ioread32( io + E1000_TPT ); n_xmit_octets += ioread32( io + E1000_TOTL ); ioread32( io + E1000_TOTH ); n_contexts_sent += ioread32( io + E1000_TSCTC ); n_context_fails += ioread32( io + E1000_TSCTFC ); head = ioread32( io + E1000_TDH ); tail = ioread32( io + E1000_TDT ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n Transmit-Descriptor Buffer-Area " ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "(head=%d, tail=%d) \n\n", head, tail ); for (i = 0; i < N_TX_DESC; i++) { unsigned long long *lp = (unsigned long long*)(txring+i); int dtyp = ( lp[1] >> 20 ) & 0xF; int cmd = ( lp[1] >> 24 ) & 0xFF; int stat = ( lp[1] >> 32 ) & 0xF; len += sprintf( buf+len, " #%-2d ", i ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "%08lX: ", virt_to_phys(lp) ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "%016llX ", lp[0] ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "%016llX ", lp[1] ); len += sprintf( buf+len, " " ); if ( stat & (1<<0) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "DD " ); if ( stat & (1<<1) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "EC " ); if ( stat & (1<<2) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "LC " ); len += sprintf( buf+len, " " ); switch ( dtyp ) { case 0: if ( cmd & (1<<0) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "TCP " ); if ( cmd & (1<<1) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "IP " ); if ( cmd & (1<<2) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "TSE " ); if ( cmd & (1<<3) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "RS " ); if ( cmd & (1<<6) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "SNAP " ); if ( cmd & (1<<7) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "IDE " ); break; case 1: if ( cmd & (1<<0) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "EOP " ); if ( cmd & (1<<1) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "IFCS " ); if ( cmd & (1<<2) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "TSE " ); if ( cmd & (1<<3) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "RS " ); if ( cmd & (1<<6) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "VLE " ); if ( cmd & (1<<7) ) len += sprintf( buf+len, "IDE " ); break; } len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n" ); } len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n" ); len += sprintf( buf+len, " total packets sent = %d ", n_xmit_packets ); len += sprintf( buf+len, " total octets sent = %d ", n_xmit_octets ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n" ); len += sprintf( buf+len, " segmentation contexts sent = %d ", n_contexts_sent ); len += sprintf( buf+len, " segmentation context fails = %d ", n_context_fails ); len += sprintf( buf+len, "\n\n" ); return len; } static int __init segment_init( void ) { int i, dev_control, rx_control, tx_control; u16 pci_cmd; printk( "<1>\nInstalling \'%s\' module\n", modname ); devp = pci_get_device( VENDOR_ID, DEVICE_ID, NULL ); if ( !devp ) return -ENODEV; mmio_base = pci_resource_start( devp, 0 ); mmio_size = pci_resource_len( devp, 0 ); io = ioremap_nocache( mmio_base, mmio_size ); if ( !io ) return -ENOSPC; kmem = kzalloc( KMEM_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL ); if ( !kmem ) { iounmap( io ); return -ENOMEM; } kmem_phys = virt_to_phys( kmem ); memset( dstn, 0xFF, 6 ); memcpy( mac, io + E1000_RA, 6 ); for (i = 0; i < 0x200; i+=4) ioread32( io + E1000_CRCERRS + i ); for (i = 0; i < 0x200; i+=4) iowrite32( 0, io + E1000_VFTA + i ); pci_read_config_word( devp, 4, &pci_cmd ); pci_cmd |= (1<<2); pci_write_config_word( devp, 4, pci_cmd ); rxring = phys_to_virt( kmem_phys ); rx_buf = virt_to_phys( rxring ) + (16 * N_RX_DESC); for (i = 0; i < N_RX_DESC; i++) { rxring[ i ].base_address = rx_buf + (i * RX_BUFSIZ); rxring[ i ].packet_length = 0; rxring[ i ].packet_chksum = 0; rxring[ i ].desc_status = 0; rxring[ i ].desc_errors = 0; rxring[ i ].vlan_tag = 0; } txring = phys_to_virt( kmem_phys + RECV_KMEM ); tx_buf = virt_to_phys( txring ) + (16 * N_TX_DESC); for (i = 0; i < N_TX_DESC; i++) { txring[ i ].dat.base_addr = 0LL; txring[ i ].dat.status = (1<<0); // DD-bit } init_waitqueue_head( &wq_recv ); init_waitqueue_head( &wq_xmit ); dev_control = 0; dev_control |= (1<<0); // FD-bit (Full Duplex) dev_control |= (0<<2); // GIOMD-bit (GIO Master Disable) dev_control |= (1<<3); // LRST-bit (Link Reset) dev_control |= (1<<6); // SLU-bit (Set Link Up) dev_control |= (2<<8); // SPEED=2 (1000Mbps) dev_control |= (1<<11); // FRCSPD-bit (Force Speed) dev_control |= (0<<12); // FRCDPLX-bit (Force Duplex) dev_control |= (0<<20); // ADVD3WUC-bit (Advertise D3 Wake Up Cap) dev_control |= (1<<26); // RST-bit (Device Reset) dev_control |= (0<<27); // RFCE-bit (Receive Flow Control Enable) dev_control |= (0<<28); // TFCE-bit (Transmit Flow Control Enable) dev_control |= (1<<30); // VME-bit (VLAN Mode Enable) dev_control |= (0<<31); // PHY_RST-bit (PHY Reset) iowrite32( 0x00000000, io + E1000_STATUS ); // Device Status iowrite32( 0xFFFFFFFF, io + E1000_IMC ); // Interrupt Mask Clear iowrite32( dev_control, io + E1000_CTRL ); // Device Control dev_control &= ~(1<<26); // clear RST-bit (Device Reset) iowrite32( dev_control, io + E1000_CTRL ); // Device Control udelay( 10000 ); while ( (ioread32( io + E1000_STATUS ) & 3) != 3 ); iowrite32( 0x00008100, io + E1000_VET ); iowrite32( 1 << (vlan_id & 0x1F), io + E1000_VFTA + (vlan_id>>5)*4 ); rx_control = 0; rx_control |= (0<<1); // EN-bit (Enable) rx_control |= (1<<2); // SBP-bit (Store Bad Packets) rx_control |= (1<<3); // UPE-bit (Unicast Promiscuous Enable) rx_control |= (1<<4); // MPE-bit (Multicase Promiscuous Enable) rx_control |= (0<<5); // LPE-bit (Long Packet Enable) rx_control |= (0<<6); // LBM=0 (LoopBack Mode off) rx_control |= (3<<8); // RDMTS=3 (Rx-Descriptor Min Thresh Size) rx_control |= (0<<10); // DTYPE=0 (Descriptor Type) rx_control |= (0<<12); // MO=0 (Multicast Offset) rx_control |= (1<<15); // BAM-bit (Broadcast Address Enable) rx_control |= (0<<16); // BSIZE=0 (Receive Buffer Size = 2048) rx_control |= (1<<18); // VLE-bit (VLAN Filter Enable) rx_control |= (0<<19); // CFIEN=0 (Canonical Form Indicator Enable) rx_control |= (0<<20); // CFI=0 (Canonical Form Indicator bit-value) rx_control |= (0<<22); // DPF-bit (Discard Pause Frames) rx_control |= (1<<23); // PMCF-bit (Pass MAC Control Frames) rx_control |= (0<<25); // BSEX-bit (Buffer Size Extension) rx_control |= (1<<26); // SECRC-bit (Strip Ethernet CRC) rx_control |= (0<<27); // FLEXBUF=0 (Flexible Buffer Size) iowrite32( rx_control, io + E1000_RCTL ); // Receive Control tx_control = 0; tx_control |= (0<<1); // EN-bit (Enable ) tx_control |= (1<<3); // PSP-bit (Pad Short Packets) tx_control |= (15<<4); // CT=15 (Collision Threshold) tx_control |= (63<<12); // COLD=63 (Collision Distance) tx_control |= (0<<22); // SWXOFF-bit (Software XOFF Transmit) tx_control |= (1<<24); // RTLC-bit (Re-Transmit on Late Collision) tx_control |= (0<<25); // UNORTX-bit (Underrun No Re-Transmit) tx_control |= (0<<26); // TXCSCMT=0 (TxDesc Minimum Threshold) tx_control |= (0<<28); // MULR-bit (Multiple Request Support) iowrite32( tx_control, io + E1000_TCTL ); // Trandmit Control i = devp->irq; if ( request_irq( i, my_isr, IRQF_SHARED, modname, &modname ) < 0 ) { kfree( kmem ); iounmap( io ); return -EBUSY; } iowrite32( 0xFFFFFFFF, io + E1000_IMS ); tx_desc = virt_to_phys( txring ); iowrite32( tx_desc, io + E1000_TDBAL ); iowrite32( 0x00000000, io + E1000_TDBAH ); iowrite32( 16 * N_TX_DESC, io + E1000_TDLEN ); iowrite32( 0x01010000, io + E1000_TXDCTL ); tx_control |= (1<<1); iowrite32( tx_control, io + E1000_TCTL ); rx_desc = virt_to_phys( rxring ); iowrite32( rx_desc, io + E1000_RDBAL ); iowrite32( 0x00000000, io + E1000_RDBAH ); iowrite32( 16 * N_RX_DESC, io + E1000_RDLEN ); iowrite32( 0x01010000, io + E1000_RXDCTL ); iowrite32( 0x00000300, io + E1000_RXCSUM ); rx_control |= (1<<1); iowrite32( rx_control, io + E1000_RCTL ); // trigger RXDMT0 interrupt (to give device some Rx-Descriptors) iowrite32( (1<<4), io + E1000_ICS ); create_proc_info_entry( info_rx, 0, NULL, my_get_info_rx ); create_proc_info_entry( info_tx, 0, NULL, my_get_info_tx ); return register_chrdev( my_major, devname, &my_fops ); } static void __exit segment_exit(void ) { int rx_control, tx_control; rx_control = ioread32( io + E1000_RCTL ); rx_control &= ~(1<<1); iowrite32( rx_control, io + E1000_RCTL ); tx_control = ioread32( io + E1000_TCTL ); tx_control &= ~(1<<1); iowrite32( tx_control, io + E1000_TCTL ); iowrite32( 0xFFFFFFFF, io + E1000_IMC ); free_irq( devp->irq, modname ); unregister_chrdev( my_major, devname ); remove_proc_entry( info_tx, NULL ); remove_proc_entry( info_rx, NULL ); kfree( kmem ); iounmap( io ); printk( "<1>Removing \'%s\' module\n", modname ); } module_init( segment_init ); module_exit( segment_exit ); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");