//---------------------------------------------------------------- // fileview.cpp // // This program displays the contents of a specified file // in hexadecimal and ascii formats (including any device // special files representing storage media). A user may // navigate the file's contents using arrow-key commands, // or may adjust the format of the hexadecimal display to // select from among five data-sizes: byte (B), word (W), // doubleword (D), quadword (Q) or octaword (O). It also // is possible to seek to a specified position within the // file by hitting the -key and then typing in the // desired (hexadecimal) address. Type to quit. // // compile using: $ g++ fileview.cpp -o fileview // execute using: $ ./fileview // // programmer: ALLAN CRUSE // written on: 26 OCT 2002 // revised on: 07 JUN 2006 -- removed reliance on 'ncurses' // revised on: 20 APR 2007 -- to support 64-bit addressing //---------------------------------------------------------------- #include // for printf(), perror(), fflush() #include // for open() #include // for strncpy() #include // for read(), lseek64() #include // for exit() #include // for tcgetattr(), tcsetattr() #define MAXNAME 80 #define BUFHIGH 16 #define BUFWIDE 16 #define BUFSIZE 256 #define ROW 6 #define COL 2 #define KB_SEEK 0x0000000A #define KB_QUIT 0x0000001B #define KB_BACK 0x0000007F #define KB_HOME 0x00315B1B #define KB_LNUP 0x00415B1B #define KB_PGUP 0x00355B1B #define KB_LEFT 0x00445B1B #define KB_RGHT 0x00435B1B #define KB_LNDN 0x00425B1B #define KB_PGDN 0x00365B1B #define KB_END 0x00345B1B #define KB_DEL 0x00335B1B char progname[] = "FILEVIEW"; char filename[ MAXNAME + 1 ]; char buffer[ BUFSIZE ]; char outline[ 80 ]; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { // setup the filename (if supplied), else terminate if ( argc > 1 ) strncpy( filename, argv[1], MAXNAME ); else { fprintf( stderr, "argument needed\n" ); exit(1); } // open the file for reading int fd = open( filename, O_RDONLY ); if ( fd < 0 ) { perror( filename ); exit(1); } // obtain the filesize (if possible) long long filesize = lseek64( fd, 0LL, SEEK_END ); if ( filesize < 0LL ) { fprintf( stderr, "cannot locate \'end-of-file\' \n" ); exit(1); } long long incmin = ( 1LL << 8 ); long long incmax = ( 1LL << 36 ); long long posmin = 0LL; long long posmax = (filesize - 241LL)&~0xF; if ( posmax < posmin ) posmax = posmin; // initiate noncanonical terminal input struct termios tty_orig; tcgetattr( STDIN_FILENO, &tty_orig ); struct termios tty_work = tty_orig; tty_work.c_lflag &= ~( ECHO | ICANON ); // | ISIG ); tty_work.c_cc[ VMIN ] = 1; tty_work.c_cc[ VTIME ] = 0; tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &tty_work ); printf( "\e[H\e[J" ); // display the legend int i, j, k; k = (77 - strlen( progname ))/2; printf( "\e[%d;%dH %s ", 1, k, progname ); k = (77 - strlen( filename ))/2; printf( "\e[%d;%dH\'%s\'", 3, k, filename ); char infomsg[ 80 ]; sprintf( infomsg, "filesize: %llu (=0x%013llX)", filesize, filesize ); k = (78 - strlen( infomsg )); printf( "\e[%d;%dH%s", 24, k, infomsg ); fflush( stdout ); // main loop to navigate the file long long pageincr = incmin; long long lineincr = 16LL; long long position = 0LL; long long location = 0LL; int format = 1; int done = 0; while ( !done ) { // erase prior buffer contents for (j = 0; j < BUFSIZE; j++) buffer[ j ] = ~0; // restore 'pageincr' to prescribed bounds if ( pageincr == 0LL ) pageincr = incmax; else if ( pageincr < incmin ) pageincr = incmin; else if ( pageincr > incmax ) pageincr = incmax; // get current location of file-pointer position location = lseek64( fd, position, SEEK_SET ); // try to fill 'buffer[]' with data from the file char *where = buffer; int to_read = BUFSIZE; while ( to_read > 0 ) { int nbytes = read( fd, where, to_read ); if ( nbytes <= 0 ) break; to_read -= nbytes; where += nbytes; } int datalen = BUFSIZE - to_read; // display the data just read into the 'buffer[]' array unsigned char *bp; unsigned short *wp; unsigned int *dp; unsigned long long *qp; for (i = 0; i < BUFHIGH; i++) { int linelen; // draw the line-location (13-digit hexadecimal) linelen = sprintf( outline, "%013llX ", location ); // draw the line in the selected hexadecimal format switch ( format ) { case 1: // 'byte' format bp = (unsigned char*)&buffer[ i*BUFWIDE ]; for (j = 0; j < BUFWIDE; j++) linelen += sprintf( outline+linelen, "%02X ", bp[j] ); break; case 2: // 'word' format wp = (unsigned short*)&buffer[ i*BUFWIDE ]; for (j = 0; j < BUFWIDE/2; j++) linelen += sprintf( outline+linelen, " %04X ", wp[j] ); break; case 4: // 'dword' format dp = (unsigned int*)&buffer[ i*BUFWIDE ]; for (j = 0; j < BUFWIDE/4; j++) linelen += sprintf( outline+linelen, " %08X ", dp[j] ); break; case 8: // 'qword' format qp = (unsigned long long*)&buffer[ i*BUFWIDE ]; for (j = 0; j < BUFWIDE/8; j++) linelen += sprintf( outline+linelen, " %016llX ", qp[j] ); break; case 16: // 'octaword' qp = (unsigned long long*)&buffer[ i*BUFWIDE ]; linelen += sprintf( outline+linelen, " " ); linelen += sprintf( outline+linelen, " %016llX%016llX ", qp[1], qp[0] ); linelen += sprintf( outline+linelen, " " ); break; } // draw the line in ascii format for (j = 0; j < BUFWIDE; j++) { char ch = buffer[ i*BUFWIDE + j ]; if (( ch < 0x20 )||( ch > 0x7E )) ch = '.'; linelen += sprintf( outline+linelen, "%c", ch); } // transfer this output-line to the screen printf( "\e[%d;%dH%s", ROW+i, COL, outline ); // advance 'location' for the next output-line location += BUFWIDE; } printf( "\e[%d;%dH", 23, COL ); fflush( stdout ); // await keypress long long inch = 0LL; read( STDIN_FILENO, &inch, sizeof( inch ) ); printf( "\e[%d;%dH%60s", 23, COL, " " ); // interpret navigation or formatting command inch &= 0x00FFFFFFLL; switch ( inch ) { // move to the file's beginning/ending case 'H': case 'h': case KB_HOME: position = posmin; break; case 'E': case 'e': case KB_END: position = posmax; break; // move forward/backward by one line case KB_LNDN: position += BUFWIDE; break; case KB_LNUP: position -= BUFWIDE; break; // move forward/packward by one page case KB_PGDN: position += pageincr; break; case KB_PGUP: position -= pageincr; break; // increase/decrease the page-size increment case KB_RGHT: pageincr >>= 4; break; case KB_LEFT: pageincr <<= 4; break; // reset the hexadecimal output-format case 'B': case 'b': format = 1; break; case 'W': case 'w': format = 2; break; case 'D': case 'd': format = 4; break; case 'Q': case 'q': format = 8; break; case 'O': case 'o': format = 16; break; // seek to a user-specified file-position case KB_SEEK: printf( "\e[%d;%dHAddress: ", 23, COL ); fflush( stdout ); { char inbuf[ 16 ] = {0}; //tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &tty_orig ); int i = 0; while ( i < 15 ) { long long ch = 0; read( STDIN_FILENO, &ch, sizeof( ch ) ); ch &= 0xFFFFFF; if ( ch == '\n' ) break; if ( ch == KB_QUIT ) { inbuf[0] = 0; break; } if ( ch == KB_LEFT ) ch = KB_BACK; if ( ch == KB_DEL ) ch = KB_BACK; if (( ch == KB_BACK )&&( i > 0 )) { inbuf[--i] = 0; printf( "\b \b" ); fflush( stdout ); } if (( ch < 0x20 )||( ch > 0x7E )) continue; inbuf[ i++ ] = ch; printf( "%c", ch ); fflush( stdout ); } printf( "\e[%d;%dH%70s", 23, COL, " " ); fflush( stdout ); position = strtoull( inbuf, NULL, 16 ); position &= ~0xFLL; // paragraph align } break; // program termination case KB_QUIT: done = 1; break; default: printf( "\e[%d;%dHHit to quit", 23, 2 ); } fflush( stdout ); // insure that 'position' remains within bounds if ( position < posmin ) position = posmin; if ( position > posmax ) position = posmax; } // restore canonical terminal behavior tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &tty_orig ); printf( "\e[%d;%dH\e[0J\n", 23, 0 ); }