How to identify your USB Debug Port's physical connector Your PC probably will not have a label showing which USB outlet to use when you are ready to attach the NET20DC Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Debug Cable, but you can use our software to discover this information quickly when you have 'root' privileges. Here's how: Compile and install our 'ajay.c' kernel module on your Linux platform. Our 'mmake.cpp' application automates the compilation-step, $ ./mmake ajay and then with 'root' privleges you can install the resulting 'ajay.ko' kernel-object into your running kernel: # /sbin/insmod ajay.ko A confirmation-message will be written to your kernel log-file, which can be viewed by using the 'dmesg' command: $ dmesg Installing this module will create a pseudo-file (named '/proc/ajay') which you can view using the standard UNIX 'cat' command: $ cat /proc/ajay Here is what the pseudo-file's output will look like: -- USB Enhanced Host Controller registers -- CAPLENGTH=20 HCIVERSION=0100 HCSPARAMS=00104208 HCCPARAMS=00006871 CTRLDSSEGM=00000000 PERIODICLISTBASE=3DD5D000 ASYNCLISTBASE=3DC2D000 USB2CMD=00010001 USB2STS=00002008 USB2INTR=00000037 FRINDEX=0x1EF7 CONFIGFLAG=1 PORT0SC=00001005 owner=0 power=1 suspend=0 enabled=1 connected=1 PORT1SC=00001000 owner=0 power=1 suspend=0 enabled=0 connected=0 PORT2SC=00001000 owner=0 power=1 suspend=0 enabled=0 connected=0 PORT3SC=00001000 owner=0 power=1 suspend=0 enabled=0 connected=0 PORT4SC=00001085 owner=0 power=1 suspend=1 enabled=1 connected=1 PORT5SC=00001000 owner=0 power=1 suspend=0 enabled=0 connected=0 PORT6SC=00001000 owner=0 power=1 suspend=0 enabled=0 connected=0 PORT7SC=00001000 owner=0 power=1 suspend=0 enabled=0 connected=0 DEBUG PORT REGISTERS CNTL_STS=00000000 USBPID=5A0000 DATABUF=00000000-00000000 CONFIG=7F01 This display shows you which USB ports are currently attached to Hi-Speed peripheral devices, such as your 'NET20DB' cable, and this output will be different when you unplug a Hi-Speed USB peripheral device -- or when you plug in your device to a different external USB physical connector. Our 'dynaview.cpp' application can be used, instead of the 'cat' command, to show a continuously updated view of the Enhanced USB Host Controller's registers. You'll be able to watch the values of the 'connected=' fields change, from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 0, as you plug in your USB Debug Cable, or unplug it, to the different external USB connectors on your system, so you'll be able to discover which connector is associated with the topmost port-status displayed (the one labeled 'PORT0SC'). That's the one -- the only one -- which works with your system's primary EHCI controller using the 'ajay.c' software-driver we have provided. This approach, obviously, is Linux-specific and so you would need to use another scheme if your PC is running a different operating system. Some recent distributions of Linux will direct kernel-messages to the console as well as the kernel log-file, which interferes with 'dynaview' output, unless you are running 'dynaview' in a window on your graphical desktop, but with 'root' privileges you can alter that default behavior using the standard UNIX 'echo' command with output-redirection, as follows: # echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk Allan Cruse 06 FEB 2010