Service Lab

The goal of this lab is for you to learn how to communicate with clients, how to plan your time, and how to use your knowledge in security and privacy in the real-world setting. The community partner of this lab is actually helping you learn, so be respectful and responsible.
There will be a discussion board dedicated to each phase of service lab in Blackboard. Please feel free to share questions, answers, and tips.

Community Technology Network provides 10 Computer Tutor Principles. This is a must-read for anyone doing lectures and tutoring for service lab.

All submissions are due in Blackboard. Note that you may email your submissions for feedback, but the grading will be based on the Blackboard submission.

Proposal due on Sep. 13
Identify a non-profit organization that would like your service in security and privacy problems. Example services are secure data sharing, secure data backup, secure network sharing, and website authentication. If you would like to help with City Youth Now on secure office network setup and youth lab setup, please contact the instructor. City Youth Now is now all staffed. The Tenderloin Tech Lab is available for Facebook and Secure web surfing lectures for 1 pair each. All community partners are matched.
This is intended as 20-hour per person efforts. Please do _not_ overcommit yourself. If you have any doubts on the amount of work required, please consult the instructor.
You may work as a group up to 2 people. If your service plan requires more than 2 people, please contact the instructor for approval by Sep. 1.
Submit the following information:

Detailed Proposal due on Oct. 13
Meet with the community partner at least once to discuss what part of service will be delivered when. Make sure to finish delivery by November 22nd, so that the community partner have time to try and report any problems. Problem resolution is an important part of your final report. Submit a detailed proposal with the following information:

Progress report due on Nov. 10
Ideally your progress matches what you have proposed on October 13th. You may be ahead or behind of the schedule. Please share the progress with the community partner, and make a new timeline if necessary. Submit a progress report with the folling information:

Final report and presentation due on Dec. 6
Prepare up to 5 pages of final report including:

Prepare 10 minute presentation of 5 slides.