* Copy sjava.lex and sjava.grm from previous project into this directory * Modify sjava.grm so that it builds an AST (simple sample sjava.grm in this directory to give you some examples of how to build trees in a .grm file) * Compile and test with: % make % ./a.out Included files: parsetest2.c Testing program (includes main()) sjava.grm Sample .grm file (DON'T USE THIS FILE: Modify sjava.grm from the last project. This file just gives you some pointers on how to modify your own sjava.grm) AST.c AST definition files AST.h ASTPrintTree.c AST printing files ASTPrintTree.h errors.c Error handling code errors.h makefile Makefile test1.sjava Sample simpleJava programs test2.sjava test3.sjava test4.sjava test5.sjava gcd.sjava