public class ArrayList implements List 

	/*----------------------------------------------------- */
	/* Private Data Members -- ArrayList                        */
	/*----------------------------------------------------- */

	private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = 10;
	private int maxsize;
	private int currentSize;
	private Object data[];

	/*----------------------------------------------------- */
	/* Constructors -- ArrayList                                */
	/*----------------------------------------------------- */

		maxsize = DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE;
		currentSize = 0;
		data = new Object[maxsize];

	ArrayList(int maximumSize) 
		maxsize = maximumSize;
		currentSize = 0;
		data = new Object[maxsize];

	/*----------------------------------------------------- */
	/* Public Methods -- ArrayList                              */
	/*----------------------------------------------------- */

	public void clear() 
		currentSize = 0;

	public int size() 
		return currentSize;

	public void add(Object elem) 
		Assert.notFalse(currentSize < maxsize,"List is full");
		data[currentSize] = elem;

	public void add(int index, Object elem)
		Assert.notFalse(currentSize < maxsize, "List is full");
		Assert.notFalse(index <= currentSize, "Can't insert outside bounds of array");
		for (int i = currentSize; i > index; i--)
			data[i] = data[i-1];
		data[index] = elem;

	public Object get(int index)
		Assert.notFalse(index >= 0 && index < currentSize, "Index not in list");
		return data[index];

	public void remove(int index)
		Assert.notFalse(index >= 0 && index < currentSize, "Index not in list");
		for (int i = index + 1; i < currentSize; i++)
			data[i-1] = data[i];

	public void remove(Object elem)
		int removeIndex;
		for (removeIndex = 0; removeIndex < currentSize && !elem.equals(data[removeIndex]); removeIndex++);
		if (removeIndex < currentSize)

	public ListIterator listIterator() 
		return new InnerIterator(0);

	public ListIterator listIterator(int index) 
		return new InnerIterator(index);

	/*----------------------------------------------------- */
	/* Nested class -- InnerIterator                        */
	/*----------------------------------------------------- */

	private class InnerIterator implements ListIterator 

		/*----------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Private Data Members -- InnerIterator               */ 
		/*----------------------------------------------------- */

		private int nextIndex;

		/*----------------------------------------------------- */
		/*  Constructor -- InnerIterator                        */ 
		/*----------------------------------------------------- */

		public InnerIterator(int startingIndex) 
			nextIndex = startingIndex;

		/*----------------------------------------------------- */
		/* Public Methods -- InnerIterator                      */
		/*----------------------------------------------------- */

		public Object next() 
			Assert.notFalse(nextIndex < currentSize, "No next element");
			return data[nextIndex++];

		public boolean hasNext() 
			return nextIndex < currentSize && nextIndex >= 0;

		public Object previous() 
			Assert.notFalse(nextIndex > 0, "No previous element");
			return data[--nextIndex];

		public boolean hasPrevious()
			return nextIndex > 0;

		public void set(Object value) 
			Assert.notFalse(nextIndex > 0, "No current element to set");
			data[nextIndex] = value;

		public void add(Object elem) 
			int i;
			Assert.notFalse(currentSize < maxsize, "List is full");
			Assert.notFalse((nextIndex >= 0 && nextIndex <= currentSize), "Iterator not in list");
			for (i = currentSize; i > nextIndex; i--)
				data[i] = data[i-1];
			data[nextIndex] = elem;

		public void remove() {
			Assert.notFalse(currentSize > 0, "List is empty");
			Assert.notFalse(nextIndex > 0 && nextIndex <= currentSize, "No current element to delete");
			for (int i = nextIndex; i < currentSize; i++)
				data[i-1] = data[i];

