import*; public class Lexer { public static final int EOF = -1; public static final int NODE = 1; public static final int ARROW = 2; public static final int NEWLINE = 3; public static final int KW_PRINT = 4; public static final int KW_NODES = 5; public static final int KW_LEN = 6; public static final int KW_REACH = 7; public static final int KW_ROOTS = 8; public static String[] tokenNames = { null, "NODE", "ARROW", "NEWLINE", "PRINT", "NODES", "LEN", "REACH" }; /** Current char of lookahead */ int c; /** Where to pull char from */ InputStream in; public Lexer(InputStream in) throws IOException { = in; consume(); } public Token nextToken() throws IOException { while ( c!=EOF ) { if ( c==' ' || c=='\t' ) { consume(); continue; } if ( isNodeNameChar(c) ) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while ( isNodeNameChar(c) ) { buf.append((char)c); consume(); } String name = buf.toString(); if ( name.equals("print") ) { return new Token(KW_PRINT, "print"); } if ( name.equals("nodes") ) { return new Token(KW_NODES, "nodes"); } if ( name.equals("len") ) { return new Token(KW_LEN, "len"); } if ( name.equals("reach") ) { return new Token(KW_REACH, "reach"); } if ( name.equals("roots") ) { return new Token(KW_ROOTS, "roots"); } return new Token(NODE, name); } else if ( c=='-' ) { consume(); if ( c=='>' ) { consume(); return new Token(ARROW); } } else if ( c=='\n' || c=='\r' ) { consume(); return new Token(NEWLINE); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid char: "+(char)c); } return new Token(EOF); } protected boolean isNodeNameChar(int c) { return (c>='0' && c<='9') || (c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || c=='_'; } public void consume() throws IOException { c =; } }