Syllabus - CS680/386

Computer Science 680/386
Internet Systems Research
Spring 2007

Course Information

Class Meets: Monday and Wednesday, 5:30pm-7:15pm
Class Location: HR 235
Web Page:

Instructor Information

Instructor: Sami Rollins
Office: HR 529
Office Hours: (tentative) Monday 4pm-5pm, Wednesday 12noon-1pm, Friday 12noon-1pm and by appointment.


CS 662 - Artificial Intelligence Programming

Learning Outcomes

Required Texts

None. Though, it is highly recommended that students without prior experience in computer networking purchase the text Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet by Kurose and Ross.

Grading Information

Grades will be based on exams (2), projects (2), reading summaries (15-17), and class participation. Grades will be distributed as follows:
Exam 1: 15% Final Exam: 15%
Project 1: 15% Project 2: 45%
Summaries: 10%
Participation: 10%
Note: I reserve the right to change the distribution and add assignments as necessary.
Final grades will be assigned as follows:
100 - 93.0 - A
92.9 - 90.0 - A-
89.9 - 87.0 - B+
86.9 - 83.0 - B
82.9 - 80.0 - B-
79.9 - 77.0 - C+
76.9 - 73.0 - C
72.9 - 70.0 - C-
69.9 - 67.0 - D+
66.9 - 63.0 - D
62.9 - 60.0 - D-
59.9 - 0 - F

Tentative Schedule

We will tentatively cover the following areas. The schedule may change as necessary to accommodate guest speakers. Refer to the Calendar for due dates.
Overview of Networking
Internet Systems Architecture
Peer-to-Peer Computing
Content Delivery Systems
Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking

Each class period you will be required to hand in a summary of the research paper we will be discussing during that class. Summaries will be graded on a 0-3 scale and will count for a total of 10% of your final grade. Summaries submitted late will receive a 0.

Your participation in class discussion will count for 10% of your final grade. Each class period I will note students who comment on or ask questions about the papers we will be discussing. You are responsible for being in class to participate. There will be a limited number of opportunities for students who miss class due to a medical emergency or other incident verified by the dean's office to make up participation points by giving brief (15 minute) in-class presentations. Note that I cannot guarantee this opportunity to all students and this opportunity is not available to students who do not have a note from a doctor or the dean's office.

You will have two exams: a midterm on March 7 and a final on May 14. The exams will cover the material from the readings as well as any material discussed during the class period. Make-up exams will only be given in the event of an emergency verified by the dean's office.

Project 1 is a warm-up project designed to give you a bit of practice with socket programming and evaluation of distributed systems. You will be required to implement an application, perform some performance measurement, and present graphs and analysis of your results in a formal write-up. This project will be completed in teams of 2 or 3. Project 1 can be submitted until March 5 (1 week late) at 5:30pm for a maximum of 50% credit.

Project 2 will give you an opportunity to do a real piece of research. Your goal for this project will be to produce a paper worthy of submission to a conference. There are two key elements of this project. First, your idea must be something new. Second, you must validate your idea by performing a rigorous evaluation. I will provide you with several possible suggestions. This project will be completed in teams of 2 or 3. Late submissions for Project 2 will not be accepted.

Your grade for Project 2 will be based on several components including a proposal, a final presentation, and a status review in additional to the final code and report submission. You are required to submit all components by their respective deadlines in order to be eligible for full credit. Failure to submit any component by its deadline will result in a zero on that portion of the project.

Academic Honesty

ALL assignments are to be completed individually unless specified, in writing, on the assignment. Academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated. This is your warning! Students are encouraged to meet with me if they have questions regarding assignments or this policy. Students caught cheating will face severe penalty.

Students may:

Students may NOT:

