An introduction to computer science for non-majors with little prior programming experience. Students develop programs using visual and high-level programming languages to control robots, create animated simulations, and build Internet and general applications. In addition, students are exposed to an overview of computing and its influence on modern society. Prerequisites: None.

Assignment 1 - (50 points)

Due date: 2/4 at 11:59pm

Recreate a simple modern art painting

Using Processing, create your simple modern art painting. Refer to paintings by

The sketch must have at least 4+ primitives (rectangles, ellipses, lines, etc.) and there must be some use of color in the sketch.

Sketch submission instructions

For this sketch, you will submit the following in the a1 folder in Dropbox.

  • Your sketch - The file ending in .pde
  • A photo/picture of the original painting that you have recreated in your sketch.
  • A text file called README.txt that contains your name, links to any resources you used for the assignment, anything you want to share with the TA or the instructor.