This course introduces common data visualization techniques and design principles using python with the seaborn, bokeh, plotly, and networkx packages. Students design and implement interactive, multivariate, text, hierarchical, network, and temporal data visualizations. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level; Restricted to Analytics Majors

Assignment 5 - Geographic Visualization - (50 points)

Due date: 5/3/2018 at 11:59pm


  • Get familiar with geovisualization in Python
  • Familiarize yourself with python visualization libraries
  • Gain practice with plotly/geoplotlib

For this assignment, we will be working with the World Happiness Report Data. The dataset contains the names of the countries, but it does not contain the latitude and longitude of the centroid for each country. You will benefit from using this Countries -> LatLon file from Google along with the World Happiness Report.

  • Choropleth Maps - For this part of the assignment, you need to create a choropleth map using plotly or geoplotlib. A user guide for geoplotlib can be found here. (20 points)
  • Symbol Maps - For this part of the assignment, you need to create a symbol map using plotly or geoplotlib. This is where you will need the latitude and longitude information for each country.(25 points)

Storytelling with maps (5 points)

Incorporate any of the maps made in Part 1 or 2 into a story that describes the data. The story can be presented in a report or a Python notebook.

Extra credit (5 points)

Create geographic visualizations other than choropleth maps or symbol maps to get extra credit points.

Submitting the assignment

  • For this assignment, submit all your python code along with the expected output (screenshots and a report with captions) or a python notebook.
  • Your report/notebook must contain your name, title of the assignment - "Geographic Visualization using plotly/geoplotib"
  • Submit a zip file that contains all the contents of the folder - report, python code, and screenshots or the python notebook on Canvas.