* Copy sjava.lex, sjava.grm, semantic.c, and AATBuildTree.c from the previous project into this directory * Modify codegen.c to generate MIPS code from the AAT * Compile and test with % make % ./sjc generates .s Included files: sjc.c Compiler main program (includes main()) codegen.c Skeleton code generator codegen.h semantic.h Header files AATBuildTree.h AAT.c AAT defintion files AAT.h AATPrintTree.c AAT printing files AATPrintTree.h AST.c AST definition files AST.h ASTPrintTree.c AST printing files ASTPrintTree.h MachineDependent.h Machine dependant constants errors.c Error handling code errors.h environment.c Defining Environments environment.h environment1.h environment2.h hash.c Hash table code hash.h (Used in environments) type.c Code to define simpleJava types type.h label.c Code to define assembly language labels label.h register.c Register defintion file register.h makefile Makefile test0.sjava Sample simpleJava files test1.sjava test2.sjava test3.sjava test4.sjava test5.sjava gcd.sjava