import*; class Serialize { /*** * Serialize a tree by writing out a Pre-Order traversal, with an end-of-children marker. * Use the ')' character for the end-of-child marker * @param tree The tree to serialize * @param outputFile The file to write to. You can use outfile.print() to print a character * to this file * @throws IOException */ public static void serialize(GenNode tree, PrintStream outputFile) throws IOException { } /*** * Read in a serialized general tree form a file, and return it * @param inputFile The input file to read the tree from. * @return The resulting tree * @throws IOException */ public static GenNode dserialize(PushbackReader inputFile) throws IOException { return null; } /*** * Print a General Tree out to standard out in a human-readable format * @param tree: The tree to print out * @param offset: The horizontal offset of the printed tre */ public static void print(GenNode tree, int offset) { if (tree != null) { for (int i=0; i