import*; public class BinaryFile { /** * Binary File constructor. Open a file for reading, or create * a file for writing. If we create a file, and a file already * exists with that name, the old file will be removed. * @param filename The name of the file to read from or write to * @param readOrWrite 'w' or 'W' for an output file (open for writing), * and 'r' or 'R' for an input file (open for reading) */ public BinaryFile(String filename, char readOrWrite) { buffer = (byte) 0; int buf_length = 0; total_bits = 0; bitsleft = 0; bitsread = 0; total_bits = 0; buffer=0; bitsread = 0; try { if (readOrWrite == 'w' || readOrWrite == 'W') { inputFile = false; file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "rw"); file.writeInt(0); /* header -- # of bits in the file */ } else if (readOrWrite == 'r' || readOrWrite == 'R') { inputFile = true; file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r"); total_bits = file.readInt(); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } } /** * Checks to see if we are at the end of a file. This method is only * valid for input files, calling EndOfFile on an output fill will * cause the program to halt execution. * (This method should probably really throw an * exception instead of halting the program on an error, but I'm * trying to make your code a little simplier) * @return True if we are at the end of an input file, and false otherwise */ public boolean EndOfFile() { Assert.notFalse(inputFile,"EndOfFile only relevant for input files"); return bitsread == total_bits; } /** * Read in the next 8 bits to the input file, and interpret them as * a character. This method is only valud for input files, and * will halt exection of called on an output file. * (This method should probably really throw an * exception instead of halting the program on an error, but I'm * trying to make your code a little simplier) * @return The next character from an input file */ public char readChar() { int charbuf = 0; int revcharbuf = 0; int i; Assert.notFalse(inputFile,"Can only read from input files"); for (i=0; i<8; i++) { charbuf = charbuf << 1; if (readBit()) { charbuf += 1; } } for (i=0; i<8; i++) { revcharbuf = revcharbuf << 1; revcharbuf += charbuf % 2; charbuf = charbuf >> 1; } return (char) revcharbuf; } /** * Write a character to an output file. The 8 bits representing the character * are written one at a time to the file. This method is only valid for * output files, and will halt execution if called on an input file. *(This method should probably really throw an * exception instead of halting the program on an error, but I'm * trying to make your code a little simplier) * @param c The character to write to the output file. */ public void writeChar(char c) { Assert.notFalse(!inputFile,"Can only write to output files"); int i; int charbuf = (int) c; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { writeBit(charbuf % 2 > 0); charbuf = charbuf >> 1; } } /** * Write a bit to an output file This method is only valid for * output files, and will halt execution if called on an input file. * (This method should probably really throw an * exception instead of halting the program on an error, but I'm * trying to make your code a little simplier) * @param bit The bit to write. false writes a 0 and true writes a 1. */ public void writeBit(boolean bit) { byte bit_; Assert.notFalse(!inputFile,"Can't write to an input file"); total_bits++; if (bit) bit_ = 1; else bit_ = 0; buffer |= (bit_ << (7 - buf_length++)); try { if (buf_length == 8) { file.writeByte(buffer); buf_length = 0; buffer = 0; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } } /** * Read a bit froman input file. This method is only valid for * input files, and will halt exeuction if called on an output file. * (This method should probably really throw an * exception instead of halting the program on an error, but I'm * trying to make your code a little simplier) * @return The next bit in the input file -- false for 0 and true for 1. */ public boolean readBit() { Assert.notFalse(inputFile,"Can't read from an output file"); Assert.notFalse(bitsread < total_bits,"Read past end of file"); try { if (bitsleft == 0) { buffer = file.readByte(); bitsleft = 8; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } bitsread++; return (((buffer >> --bitsleft) & 0x01) > 0); } /** * Close the file (works for input and output files). Output files will * not be properly written to disk if this method is not called. */ public void close() { try { if (!inputFile) { if (buf_length != 0) { while (buf_length < 8) { buffer |= (0 << (7 - buf_length++)); } file.writeByte(buffer); }; file.writeInt(total_bits); } file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } } private boolean inputFile; private RandomAccessFile file; private byte buffer; private int buf_length; private int total_bits; private int bitsleft; private int bitsread; }