Project 3: Final Project

For your third and final project, you have a fair amound of leeway to create a game that you think will be fun. You are encouraged to be creative, and come up with something fun, that also represents a solid technical achievement. As with Project 2, You will also be graded on your playtesting report of other team's projects -- as a way to encourage you to play each other's games.

Due Dates

There are 3 due dates for this project, for different aspects of the project, which are described in detail later in this document. They are:

Possible Projects

What game you decide to create is up to you. You are free (and encouraged!) to come by my office and discuss potential projects. Some ideas are:

Required Elements

There are very few absolutely requried elements for this project. However, there are some required elements:

Recommended Elements

In addition to the required elements, here are some recommended elements.

Part I: Design Phase

Before you can start coding, you need to know what you are going to code! The first step is to create a design document for the game. This document should contain: Your design document is due in one week, on Monday, April 8th. You are free to discuss your design before this date, of course. Be prepared for feedback from me about how you may need to modify your design!

Part II: Implementation

Code, code, code! Make sure you are following your schedule, and update the schedule as necessary as you fall behind / get ahead. If it looks like you are not going to meet all of the requirements set out in your design document, be sure to see me for any help -- both help in getting back on track, and help in deciding what needs to be cut.


as with project 2, you are strongly encouraged to play each other's games. Give feedback, and get ideas for what you can do in your own game. In adition to informal feedback you give to other teams, each individual (not each team, but each individual) is requried to give formal feedback to at least one team. This formal feedback will be part of your grade for your project. Your formal feedback needs to include:

You will give the formal feedback to the other team, as well as turn it in as part of your final project. To encourage you to give feedback when it actually might do some good, you are reuqired to turn in your formal feedback to both me and the other team one week before the final deadline for this project.


Since all of you will be creating different games, there will be less of a formalized grading metric.

Note that a project that does not compile, or compiles and does not run, will recieve very few points, regardless of how much code you submit.