Spring 2018
Leveraging parallel architectures such as multi-core CPUs, distributed systems, and GPUs is a key part of building modern, efficient software. This requires an understanding of lower-level systems programming, as well as parallel programming concepts and debugging techniques.
In this course, we’ll focus on learning to program in C, the basics of parallel architectures, parallelism primitives, and performance benchmarking.
- May 2 – Project 4 now available.
- Apr 22 – Project 3 now available.
- Mar 22 – Project 2 now available.
- Feb 12 – Project 1 now available.
- Jan 22 – Classes begin. Welcome!
Lecture Coordinates
MWF 3:30 – 4:35 pm, HR 148
Q&A, Discussions: Piazza
Matthew Malensek
Office: HR 416
Hours: MF 10-11am, Th 1-2pm
Email: mmalensek@usfca.edu
Phone: (415) 422-4756
Teaching Assistant
Ivy An
Hours: W 1-3pm
Email: ran3@dons.usfca.edu