In CS 326, we’ll have two types of assignments:
- Labs (small-scale, for practice)
- Projects (larger scale, for assessment)
Each assignment will include a description of the problem, breakdown of points, permitted libraries, etc. You can discuss assignments with your classmates, but sharing code or pseudocode is not acceptable. Please see the grading policy for more information.
Submitting Assignments: Both labs and projects are graded interactively to get immediate feedback, and you are welcome to have them re-graded as long as their deadline has not passed. Remember to check your work into your OS git repository before attending interactive grading.
Late Policy:
- Due dates are posted on the course schedule page. Assignments must be submitted and graded interactively by 11:59pm on the due date.
- Assignments may be submitted and graded late for up to 7 days past the deadline with no penalty. Afterward, no credit will be given unless prior arrangements were made.
- Lab 0 - Getting to Know You
- Lab 1 - Remembering How to C
- Lab 2 - Improving the C Library
- Lab 3 - Adding System Calls
- Lab 4 - Tracing System Calls
- Lab 5 - Performance Benchmarking
- Lab 6 - Pipes
- Lab 7 - File Systems (Linux + xv6)
- Project 1 - User Space
- Project 2 - Command Line Shell
- Project 3 - Memory Allocator