* unkillable.c
* Demonstrates blocking signals (SIGINT and SIGTERM). Run this program and try
* killing it with Ctrl+C (^C) or running kill <pid>.
* Compile: gcc -g -Wall unkillable.c -o unkillable
* Run: ./unkillable
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void) {
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
while (true) {
puts("I'm just a process\n"); sleep(1);
puts("Running till the end of time\n"); sleep(1);
puts("I'm just a process\n"); sleep(1);
puts("Got nothin' on my mind\n"); sleep(1);
puts("Please don't you kill me\n"); sleep(1);
puts("Don't press control and C\n"); sleep(1);
puts("Darlin' believe me\n"); sleep(1);
puts("A process is all that I can be\n"); sleep(1);
puts("I'm just a process\n"); sleep(1);
puts("I've got some hopes and dreams\n"); sleep(1);
puts("I'm just a process\n"); sleep(1);
puts("My functionality more than it seems\n"); sleep(1);
puts("Think of my children, don't you know it's wrong?\n"); sleep(1);
puts("My thread of execution running for so long\n"); sleep(1);
puts("If you kill me, it'll also kill this song\n"); sleep(1);
puts("Yeah if you kill me, it'll also kill this song\n"); sleep(1);
puts("This process life\n"); sleep(1);
puts("I never wanted to be a part of it\n"); sleep(1);
puts("Okay that's enough!\n"); sleep(1);
puts("Control + backslash sends SIGQUIT.\n"); sleep(1);
return 0;