Creating a Shell Alias

You can create small shortcuts or aliases in your shell to make remembering/typing commands easier. Add them to your ~/.bashrc (or ~/.zshrc if you use zsh) to make them persist across sessions:

# This alias will ssh into gojira and forward the ssh port to my local
# machine. NOTE: Change VMID to your 326 class ID!         (scroll) ->
alias vm-forward="ssh gojira -L 2222:192.168.122.VMID:22 'echo \"Forward Successful\nPress ^C to stop\"; cat'"

# With this, I can now have SFTP programs connect to 'localhost:2222'
# and the connection will be tunneled to my VM. I just run 'vm-forward':
$ vm-forward
Forward Successful
Press ^C to stop
# And then connect.

# Another common alias is 'll', which maps to ls -l:
alias ll='ls -l'
$ ll
(a long-format listing of the directory appears)

# Or you could even make 'll' show hidden files too with the -a flag:
alias ll='ls -l -a'

# Here's another one. Maybe you don't like having to type 'man' to get help on
# the various commands and functions:
alias huh='man'

# or even:
alias wtf='man'

# Then you can do:
$ wtf 3 printf