
CS 677 is focused on building and leveraging distributed systems to analyze large datasets. The course will consist of large programming assignments and you will also be required to submit written reports on assigned readings from the literature.

Each assignment will include a detailed specification document with a description of the problem, breakdown of points, permitted libraries, etc. You are free to discuss the projects with your classmates, but sharing code or pseudocode is not acceptable. Please see the grading policy

Submitting Assignments: use the project links below to create a git repository for your work. To submit, check your code into your git repository before the deadline.

Late Policy:

Research Papers

Presentation Order, Spring 2023:

  1. Dynamo – Vinay Bojja, Gandhar Kulkarni, Ashutosh Malla
  2. Megastore – Cara Cao, Yaomin Zhang
  3. MapReduce – Xiuhui Wang, Heran Zhang
  4. Spark – Yifan Meng, Shelger Zhang
  5. RDDs – James Ambat, Deep Mistry
  6. Zookeeper – Colin Inns, Colm Lang
  7. IPFS – Josh Li, Aneesh Madhavan, Mark Wu
  8. Storm – Ashley Radford, Yordanos Solomon
  9. TensorFlow – Logan Jendrusch, Joel Konuparamban, Matyas Krizek

