CS 686 Big Data

Project Retrospective - P1

Provide answers to the following questions and submit a PDF via Canvas. Be sure to answer the questions completely and explain your logic.

  1. Given the same goals, how would you complete the project differently if you didn’t have any restrictions imposed by the instructor? This could involve using a particular library, programming language, etc. Be sure to provide sufficient detail to justify your response.

  2. Our system fails completely if the Controller goes down. How would you fix this issue? Keep our discussions on maintaining consistency/consensus in mind while answering this question.

  3. Let’s imagine that your next project was to improve and extend P1. What are the features/functionality you would add, use cases you would support, etc? Are there any weaknesses in your current implementation that you would like to improve upon? This should include at least three areas you would improve/extend.

  4. Give a rough estimate of how long you spent completing this assignment. Additionally, what part of the assignment took the most time?

  5. What did you learn from completing this project?

  6. What feedback do you have for the instructor to help make future projects like this better/more fun/interesting/useful? This is the first iteration of the course, so your feedback is greatly appreciated!