Code Refactoring Until you've had to live with the same piece of code for a while, you will not experience the need for refactoring. This lecture tries to summarize what refactoring is, when you need to do it, what patterns and tools are available. Further, I provide some jGuru examples to illustrate some of the concepts. These lecture notes paraphrase or quote most content from @(, "Martin Fowler's Refactoring Book"). I use keyword "TJP" to indicate my own thoughts. There are large sections of just TJP stuff. #### Refactoring? ### What? Fowler says that refactoring is the "... process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code yet improves its internal structure." Just cleaning up code. Contrary to idealized development strategy: 1 analysis and design 1 code 1 test At first, code is pretty good but as requirements change or new features are added, the code structure tends to atrophy. Refactoring is the process of fixing a bad or chaotic design. Amounts to moving methods around, creating new methods, adding or deleting classes, ... TJP: Sometimes it means completely redoing the entire code base (i.e., throwing stuff away). Avoid the _second system effect_! ### Why? Improve code structure and design o more maintainable o easier to understand o easier to modify o easier to add new features Cumulative effect can radically improve design rather than normal slide into decay. Flip-flop code development and refactoring. Only refactor when refactoring--do not add features during refactoring. TJP: kind of like an immune system that constantly grooms the body looking for offensive and intrusive entities. Bad code usually takes more code to do the same thing often because of duplication: %image(code.duplication.gif) TJP: from Fred Brook's "mythical man-month" remember that conceptual integrity is one of his big points. Addition of new features can break current system conceptual integrity. Must refactor your concept sometimes as well as your code to make it fit properly. For example, I integrated page snoopers with search so that I could look for keywords regardless of whether the source was local or on some other page or other some other site's search engine. Improving design then often includes removing duplicate code. Don't want duplicates because of bloat and also you only want one place to change functionality not multiple. Fowler says he will refactor existing code just to understand it better and sometimes it helps to find bugs. In summary, refactoring helps you develop better code, faster! Kent Beck: "Programs have two kinds of value: what they can do for you today and what they can do for you tomorrow." Mostly we are focused on today, but you cannot code today so that you cannot code tomorrow. Actively making the future smoother is a great idea. When you find tomorrow that today you made a mistake, you use refactoring to fix the decision. Fowler says database refactoring is super hard. See TJP's jGuru example below for entity specifications. :) *When not to refactor?* o Sometimes you should throw things out and start again. o Sometimes you are too close to a deadline. ## jGuru experience TJP: Locally-inoptimal refactoring-detours generally lead to a more optimal global solution. From personal experience, I can say that refactoring is absolutely and totally required to develop a large piece of software in the face of an ever-changing list of features. *Example 1*: I started with a /search/results.jsp page that worked well for the single task. Then, had to show only some stuff for nonpremium folks. Then had to show a "marketing" version of the page. Finally it was too damn much--couldn't read the code and literally couldn't make it work in all combinations. After factoring out basically functionality and making separate pages that used the common functionality, I was able to quickly break apart results.jsp into 3 pages that were obvious. *Example 2*: We started out using a search engine by thunderstone. 1 An employee coded some scripts in Thunderstone's proprietary xml-based programming language to do the right thing when we went to a particular page. He parsed the results in Java and then displayed it on a jguru-style page. So far so good. 1 Then we wanted to search other people's sites like slashdot, ibm, sun, etc... The employee wanted to use the Thunderstone language to grab, parse, and return a simple list of results that can be easily reparsed by jguru and displayed in a jguru page. I vetoed this suggesting that he get everything into a set of Java classes that did the same thing but that would integrate better into our Java code. Even though it was more work, I suspected we'd reap a benefit later. Further, I don't like be tied to a particular tool. After the effort, we had some "search resource" type objects that could do searches (either remotely or locally via Thunderstone) and display them on jGuru. We didn't treat our local search differently than a Slashdot search. Cool! Sounds good. 1 At this point, we also had some random code lying around that snooped other people's websites for articles. Bad. Getting a list of articles is same as getting list of search results (just different remote page). Oh well. Duplicated code etc... Oh well. We left it. 1 Sure enough, we decided to get rid of thunderstone. My advice was worth it because no "user level" code changed to incorporate Lucene (new engine). Yeah! Unfortunately, there was a huge amount of code duplication among the snooper and search spiders. I combined these into a nice hierarchy and common functionality. Now, just about anything can pretend to be a source of search results or snooped information. 1 So then we decided to not do remote searches because everybody else's search engines are so slow and we had lots of them to search. So, I added code to occasionally walk foreign (remote) sites to get their content (and only the good stuff) and add it to a local Lucene search database. We get better and faster results because of this, but... 1 Current smelly code: snooper does not add things to search db...I have separate code that fills the foreign search db. This is because you need the article list and search db to operate independently. Still, it would be better if the same code did both the snooping and the search db updates. *Example 3*: An employee built a prototype forum manager. It had evolved over months and had naturally decayed in code beauty. I rewrote (since I was only coder employee then) to be better designed and fast etc... Boy was the new thing beautiful. Well, as we added more features and so on, it got uglier and uglier. Still I left it. Then we realized it was taking forever at start up because it loaded all forum messages up front. Ok, so I finally redesigned it to load last 3 months worth and do others dynamically. Actually I knew that I would eventually have this "popularity" problem and it was hanging over me all the time. Now I don't worry about it. :) ### When? When you can't stand the code anymore or it becomes impossible to add new features or fix bugs. When your boss isn't looking. ;) There is a lot of pressure not to do work that adds no functionality--shortsighted. Rule of 3 from Don Roberts: "The first time you do something, you just do it. The second time you do something similar, you wince at the duplication, but you do the duplicate thing anyway. The third time you do something similar, you refactor." Refactor when 1 you add new features and the code is brittle or hard to understand. Refactoring makes this feature and future features easier to build. 1 you fix bugs. 1 during code review. #### What's that smell? Refactor (_groom_ as TJP calls it) when your code smells. It smells in the following situations. [From Fowler's book, but summarized at JHU, ] o _Duplicated Code_ extract out the common bits into theirown method (*extract method*) if code is in same class if two classes duplicate code, consider *extract class* to create a new class to hold the shared functionality. o _Long Methods_ *extract method*! o _Large Class_ Class trying to do too much often shows up as too many instance variables. o _Long Parameter List_ *replace parameter with method* (receiver explicitly asks sender for data via sender getter method) Example: day month, year, hour minute second ==> date o _Divergent Change_ If you have a fixed class that does distinctly different things consider separating out the varying code into varying classes *(extract class)* that either subclassor are contained by the non-varying class. o _Shotgun Surgery_ The smell: a change in one class repeatedly requires little changes in a bunch of other classes. try to *move method* and *move field* to get all the bits into one class since they areobviously highly dependent. o _Feature Envy_ Method in one class uses lots of pieces from another class. *move method* to move it to the other class. o _Data Clumps_ Data that's always hanging with each other (e.g. name street zip). Extract out a class (*extract class*) for the data. Will help trim argument lists too since name street zip now passed as one address object. o _Switch (case) statements_ Use inheritance and polymorphism instead (exampleof this was in Fowler Chapter 1; this is one of the more difficult refactorings) o _Lazy Class_ Class doesn't seem to be doing anything. Get rid of it! o *collapse heirarchy* if subclasses are nearly vacuous. o *inline class* (stick the class' methods and fields in the class that was using it and get rid of original class). o _Speculative generality_ Class designed to do something in the future but never ends up doing it. Thinking too far ahead or you though you needed this generality but you didn't. like above, *collapse hierarchy*or *inline class* o _Message chains_ Say you want to send a message toobject D in class A but you have to go through B to get C and C to get D. use *hide delagate* to hide C and D in B, and add a method to B that does what A wanted to do with D. o _Inappropriate Intimacy_ Directly getting in and munging with the internals of another class. To fix this, move methods, inline methods, to consolidate the intimate bits. o _Incomplete Library Class_ If method missing from library, and we can't change the library, so either: o make this method in yourobject (*introduce foreign method*) If there is a lot of stuff you want to change: o make yourown extension/subclass (*introduce local extension*) o _Data Class_ We have already talked about this extensively: in data-centric design, there are some data classes which are pretty much structs: no interesting methods. first don't letother directly get and set fields (make them private) and don't have setter for things outsiders shouldn't change look who uses the data and how they use it and move someof that code to the data class via a combinationof *extract method* and *move method* (see the Fowler chapter 1 example for several examplesof this) o _Comments_ Comments in the middleof methods are deodorant. You should really refactor so each comment block is its own method. Do *extract method*. #### Sample refactoring "patterns" Here is a catalog of refactoring patterns: #### TJP Refactoring Example PROBLEM: have BitSet but need an integer set representation that is efficient for unicode chars, makes BitSets huge! Started thinking of a List of ranges as a good representation. 1 First thing I did was to "extract interface IntSet", making BitSet implement it. Intellij automatically converted references (even in comments) to BitSet into IntSet references. In this way I can swap in a different representation w/o altering code. 1 Started IntRangeSet implementing IntSet. Decided that using List/ArrayList etc... would be too slow so I decided to use my own IntArrayList, which is like Vector but implements List. Range i is at indices (2i,2i+1). Efficient: fewer object allocations. Decided not to sort / compact ranges until I needed to in order to avoid shuffling data around in the array like insert range, delete range etc... Code wasn't exactly clear, but it was fast accessing individual ranges etc.. I had decided against a Range object to avoid extra allocations, load on the GC. 1 Started testing and realized that I could really use some upgrades to the testing rig. Added auto runTests() construction: call all methods with "test" prefix. Then added method assertEqual() that will print what was expected vs result when mismatch. Etc... 1 I got IntRangeSet mostly working and tested when I had to implement equals(). Decided that it was horribly expensive and I needed it in my DFA construction. Damn. Ok, better keep ranges sorted and disjoint to make operations efficient. 1 At this point it occurred to me that IntervalSet was kind of a better name than IntRangeSet as I'm really a set of Intervals that can double as a set of integers. Interval arithmetic is a more term anyway. The change was easy globally with Intellij. 1 Anyway, to keep intervals disjoint/sorted, I needed to be able to insert and delete and merge elements in a list. That implied a LinkedList, which implied I should make an Interval object and just use the standard classes and make the code more obvious. I realize that I had falsely (probably) optimized (and too early). Back to readable code as a primary goal and worry about speed later. Now I had IntervalSet with an Interval object; it started out as a class scoped in IntervalSet but as it got bigger I refactored ("move") it into a separate file. 1 As I implement the new mechanism, I notice that the overall structure of the class is sound and all the code that references it does not get affected. Further, I note that my unit tests are extremely useful when making the changes--I can see the implementation make more and more tests work. I know I'm making progress and I have some idea that the code is working. I code with confidence because I know anything that is "wrong" will instantly show up as a bunch of failed tests. 1 I realize that these classes are in org.antlr.analysis when they should be in the misc package. I move them all trivially thanks to Intellij. 1 Finally I get back to equals() and it's now a trivial array comparison done automatically by List :) Finally got more stuff tested and all is cool. 1 At some point during the implementation of IntervalSet, when it was still IntRangeSet, I realized that due to the fundamental element actually being an Interval, it was hard to make IntRangeSet/IntervalSet conform to the same IntSet interface as BitSet. I abandon the relationship, but for now leave the IntSet/BitSet relationship as I may in fact make a new implementation of that later to make even simple int sets more efficient in a new situation. This is a case where the abstract ideas fit nicely together but in practice the type system fails you, making it hard to fit two things together (like ANTLR's AST interface that has the same name but different return types than the DOM XML interface; incompatible, but the same operations and names: getNextSibling() etc...; did they copy my names?). It also turns out that implementing the IntSet methods like member() are very expensive for IntervalSet and perhaps a pain to write. Now that I'm writing this (May 29, 2004), it seems that perhaps I could make it implement IntSet and then just throw "unimplemented" or whatever for the stuff that I haven't implemented at the moment because it's unneeded for my application. Here is a great case where writing stuff down in your "lab notebook" or "telling it to the teddy bear" really helps! 1 As I start using IntervalSet I realize that I have misnamed difference; it is really subtract. Difference is more like |x-y| for two sets x and y (the "xor" operation). I rename trivially with Intellij and it does the global replace. #### Simplifying System Architecture As Refactoring (TJP) I suppose you could consider simplifications in system architecture refactoring as they improve the system/software design without changing external behavior. This is, again, a restatement of Brook's principle of conceptual integrity. #### Patterns TJP used on jGuru Fowler: "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." I did lots of refactoring at jGuru to continuously "groom" the code as I called it. In terms of Fowler, I did some of the following in order of most common to least. o @(,"Extract Method") o @(,"Pull up method") o @(, "Add parameter") o @(,"Rename method") o @(,"Replace temp with query") o @(,"Introduce a controller") TJP calls this a _service_ like {LogManager} _Renaming_ is a great idea because code should communicate clearly and variable names are super important (imagine a program where everything is {v1}, {v2}, ...; that is what obfuscaters do). The features of Intellij's IDEA refactoring tool I used: o extract method (does all the flow analysis) o rename o change method signature o extract interface o implement methods from interface/superclass o generate getter/setters for instance variables I also introduced lots of classes to factor out common behavior, but I did this manually. My first impression was that all of this was not very useful (coming from emacs), but I have come to really rely on the power of these operations. For example, change method signature changes every reference to that method even for messages to all subclasses of the method's class you change etc... #### Thoughts on IDEs vs emacs (TJP) Coding/refactoring is part 1 thinking 1 text editing using well-established idioms and patterns 1 questioning (searching, jumping to a class def, finding implementations of methods etc...) 1 cutting-n-pasting Emacs really only does a good job of 2, which is not a huge percentage of coding. It is much better to treat your program like a database of code not just plain text. Being able to quickly see the class hierarchy or find implementors or references of a method is very useful. After switching to Intellij's IDEA dev environment (still the best IDE on any platform in my opinion) I became MUCH more productive. Without code completion of method names and variables, i'd have worse tendonitus i can tell you.