Java Servlets #### Big picture Re-examine the http server project. Your program allows browers to remotely fetch files and also to launch some java code that ran code on the server machine and sent HTML back by accessing a special URL ({/java/...}). The java code satisfied the {ServerSideJava} interface. A _servlet_ is the exact same concept--a piece of Java code that runs on the server in response to a browser request. Servlets support the request/response client/server model and are able to service HTTP GET and POST requests. They are a replacement for CGI bin and php etc... Many dynamic pages on the net are generated by Java code on a server and spit back to the browser, which pretends everything is a static file. Another way to think of a GET request is as a method call over the internet (this is the basic idea behind @(, REST)) where method parameters are URL parameters. The return value is simply the (usually XML) data spit back by the server. For example, here is how to access Yahoo's search engine via their REST interface to find information on the movie Serenity: << >> One could view this as an implementation of this method call: << WebSearchService.webSearch("YahooDemo", "serenity+movie"); >> See @(, Creating a REST Request for Yahoo! Search Web Services) for more information. Again, though, REST is just a way to think about access dynamic data from the web. A POST request is almost the opposite of a GET request: it is meant to send data to the server from HTML forms (i.e., pages with {
} tags and submit buttons). POST pages normally process the data and then redirect the browser to another page that says anything from "thanks" to "here is your requested data" (like when doing airline reservations). You can think of GET services as display pages and POST services as processing pages. You will have one servlet execute per page for your site; each servlet acquires the appropriate data and then computes an HTML page, which is sent back to the browser. Web servers normally follow a _model-view-controller_ (MVC) architecture where the web server is _controller_, the pages collectively represent the _view_, and your core system usually embodies the _model_ (such as {EmailManager}, ...). You can use Jetty or your own HTTP server for this project; I'd recommend Jetty. ;) What is _JSP_? Java Server Pages are "inside out" servlets where, instead of Java with embedded print HTML statements, you have HTML with embedded Java code snippets. We will discuss these in more detail later. In principle, "skins" or multiple web page "looks" are possible, but they require strictly separated model and view. JSP encourages entangling model and view, thus, preventing skins. @(, StringTemplate), something I built during years of server development, strictly enforces separation of model and view. You can trivially radically change the look of your site [demo jguru's guest/user/premium look]. Where is the {main} method in a server? For most deployed applications, there isn't one. The first execution of one of your pages must launch the application initiation procedures. In our case, you will be launching Jetty, the web server, from a main method so you could in principle do whatever initialization you wanted before the first page is served. HTTP is stateless. How can your server know when the same person comes back to the site? That is, when I click on a link on a site that takes me to another page on the same site, how does the server know that a particular GET request is from the same person? Further, how does the server track a chunk of data for each person logged into the site? For example, you want to track their name, ID, and pages visited perhaps. _Sessions_ are used for that and we will worry about them in another lecture. But they exist, and every servlet can ask for a site visitor's session object across pages. These sessions are normally implemented via _cookies_, little pieces of key/value pair data stored on a person's client machine. Each request to site sends all cookies on the client machine to the server along with each GET/POST request. #### Some details See package doc: @( Useful class summary: o HttpServlet, o HttpServletRequest, o HttpServletResponse, o HttpSession, o Cookie, o URLEncoder, o java.netURLEncoder.encode(...). Generates HTML that is sent back to the browser. http servlets have methods are associated with the http protocol. GET, POST, etc... The HTTP {GET} request invokes {doGet()} method. The servlet life cycle: 1 init 1 service many times (doGet/doPost in our case) 1 destroy One instance of a servlet per server. Watch out for threading issues. Can tell it to be singlethreaded, but very slow. Reference example of using instance vars setting/getting from within service (see section below). Later we'll talk about generating html properly and can discuss in detail. How do they work? Unfortunately that really depends on the servlet _container_ you are using. Some let you place your .java file inside a special directory and your server will be able to send URL requests to that code. The HTTP server compiles the code for you (and can replace an old one on a running server). With Jetty, it will find your servlet code from the CLASSPATH so make sure you start your app with the path set to see both jetty stuff and your stuff. A servlet runs in the same address space as the server and typically represents a middle tier in a three tier system. #### Simple Servlets ### GET Note that the servlet receives a request and response object. The request object contains information about the HTTP request, plus parameters, and other header info. The response object lets you set response headers, cookies, and lets you write to the output stream. %include(../code/servlets/, "code") ### POST Used as target of form processing. Can handle much more data (I think) in terms of parameters. {request.getParameter} is used to get URL parameters. <<
>> Servlet responding to form (note both {doGet} and {doPost} methods): %include(../code/servlets/, "code") Use HttpUtils.getRequestURL(request) to reconstruct URL minus query (args). Other useful methods in: getRemoteHost() ### Argument URL encoding Converts meaningful or special chars to ascii code. {' '->%20} etc.... Use: {java.netURLEncoder.encode(...)} Here is an example calling the doGet method using a space in arg. @(http://localhost:8080/servlet/SimpleResponse?name=Terence%20Parr) #### Jetty and Servlets @(, Jetty) is a simple embeddable or standalone web server for static pages or dynamic pages like JSP or Servlets. For our purposes, it's probably easier to have your application embed the web server directly. ### Simple file serving Here is a simple program that starts up a web server at port 8080 and has a document root specified by args[0]: << import org.mortbay.http.*; import org.mortbay.jetty.Server; import org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.*; import org.mortbay.log.*; public class MyServer { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String DOC_ROOT = args[0]; Server server = new Server(); server.addListener(":8080"); server.setRequestLog(getServerLogging()); server.addWebApplication("/", DOC_ROOT); server.start(); } } >> You will need the following additions to your {CLASSPATH}: << /home/public/cs601/jetty/javax.servlet.jar /home/public/cs601/jetty/org.mortbay.jetty.jar /home/public/cs601/jetty/log4j-1.2.12.jar /home/public/cs601/jetty/jasper-compiler.jar /home/public/cs601/jetty/jasper-runtime.jar /home/public/cs601/jetty/xercesImpl.jar /home/public/cs601/jetty/commons-logging.jar >> which are the jars used by Jetty. Start your server like this: << java MyServer ~/foo >> which will start serving files underneath {~/foo}. URLs like _host_{:8080/t.html} will get file {~/foo/t.html} from the disk. At this point, Jetty will serve files, but you are not recording requests to your server. Add the following method: << private static RequestLog getServerLogging() throws Exception { NCSARequestLog a = new NCSARequestLog("./request.log"); a.setRetainDays(90); a.setAppend(true); a.setExtended(false); a.setLogTimeZone("GMT"); a.start(); return a; } >> And add this line before the server.start(): << server.setRequestLog(getServerLogging()); >> You still get a warning from Jetty, but ignore it: << log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.mortbay.util.Container). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. >> ### Serving Servlets To get Jetty to handle servlets, update your server code to look like this: << Server server = new Server(); server.addListener(":8080"); // logging server.setRequestLog(getServerLogging()); // Servlets ServletHttpContext context = (ServletHttpContext) server.getContext("/"); context.addServlet("Invoker","/servlet/*", "org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Invoker"); // HTTP server.addWebApplication("/", "./"); server.start(); >> Servlet {HelloServlet} would be visible at _host_{:8080/servlet/HelloServlet}. #### Thread safety The safety issue for servlets with instance variables can be illustrated with the following: << class PageServlet extends HttpServer { String id; public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { id = request.getParameter("ID"); ... out.println("Your id is "+id); } ... } >> One thread can set the id then switch to another thread which resets id. When that second thread finishes the first thread would start up and proceed to print out the same value as the second thread. I.e., if url s?ID=1 and s?ID=2 result in simultaneous exec of this servlet, you risk seeing the same id value printed out. #### JSP JSP: autogenerated servlets from html + java page. <<

JSP test

Hello, <%=request.getParameter("name")%>. >> Don't need a special URL mapping; resin knows how to execute {*.jsp} files. ### File Uploads Can do file uploads and so on. For example, answer the challenge here: @( and see source of resulting page; looks like: <<