

In this worksheet, you will learn the basic mechanism behind Servlets, configuring the Resin web server, and for receiving information from users via HTML forms.

  1. Get resin running. Make a ~user/resin directory and then put directories doc, servlet, log, and conf underneath. Copy the /home/public/cs601/resin.conf file into the resin/conf directory. Copy the start up script from the servlets CS601 notes, modifying to suit your user. Also modify the resin.conf file to have your user not parrt. Demonstrate that you can view an HTML file from your resin/doc directory.
  2. Get a simple servlet running such as the HelloServlet demonstrated in class. If you are going to manually compile things, make sure your CLASSPATH is set up properly.
  3. Write a simple HTML page containing a <form> with fields for collecting name, email, and age. The <form> should POST to a servlet that responds to the POST HTTP requests by displaying the values of your <form> variables.