Lab 1

Due 9:40AM September 5, 2007

  1. PP 3.3 - Write an application that creates and prints a random phone number of the form XXX-XXX-XXXX. Include the dashes in the output. Do not let the first three digits contain an 8 or 9 (but don't be more restrictive than that), and make sure that the second set of three digits is not greater than 742. Hint: Think through the easiest way to construct the phone number. Each digit does not have to be determined separately.
  2. PP 4.6 - Design and implement a class called Bulb that represents a light bulb that can be turned on and off. Create a driver class called Lights whose main method instantiates and turns on some Bulb objects.
  3. Complete the design for Project 1 and schedule a meeting to discuss your design with the professor.

Sami Rollins