Project 2 - Internet Systems Research

Still subject to change...

Final Submission - Due Wednesday, May 9, 2007

For this project, you will form groups of 2 or 3 and select a research project in the area of Internet Systems Research. You may select one of the projects suggested below, or you may design your own. You are encouraged to pursue your own ideas. However, you must have your idea approved by the instructor before beginning work. In addition, your idea must (1) be related to Internet systems; (2) be something new that has not been done before; and (3) involve a component of evaluation. If your project does not meet all three criteria, it will not be approved.

Part 1 - Due 9:00pm, Monday March 5, 2007

Submit, via email, a list of your group members and a brief (1 paragraph should be fine) summary of your project. Please look at the paragraphs on the Project Ideas page below for an example of an acceptable summary. You are encouraged to speak with the instructor prior to your submission to verify that your idea is within the bounds of Internet Systems Research. You do not need to know the details of your project at this point. However, your summary should provide evidence that you have an interesting, new idea that can be implemented and tested in 7 weeks.

Part 2 - Due 5:30pm, Monday March 26, 2007

Submit a hard copy of your formal project proposal. Your proposal will contain (at minimum) the following items: There is no page limit for the proposal, though 5 single-spaced pages would be a good target. Here is an outline for your proposal.

Part 3 - Due 5:30pm, Monday April 9, 2007

You are required to schedule a meeting with the instructor during or before the class period to discuss your progress. You will present your completed work, discuss whether you are on-track with respect to your timeline, and summarize what you will complete by the end of the semester.

Part 4 - Due 5:30pm, Monday April 30, 2007

You are required to give a presentation detailing your work and results. All students must present by May 9. Each group will prepare a 30 minute presentation and each member of the group must contribute to the presentation. The presentation will (at minimum) provide an overview of your research, detail the design of your idea or solution, detail your implementation choices, outline the set up of your experiments, and present your findings. Additional detail and tips for preparing presentations will be provided.

Part 5 - Due 5:30pm, Wednesday May 9,2007

Submit all of your completed code and a hard copy of a final paper outlining your research and results. Your final paper will look much like the research papers you have read over the course of the semester. It will likely contain the following sections: introduction, related work, design, implementation, results, conclusion. It should focus on how your idea is new and how you have proven that your idea works. There is no page limit, though 8 single-spaced pages would be a good target. Additional detail and tips for preparing the paper will be provided.

Project Ideas

You can find several project ideas by following the link above. Note that many of the ideas are vaguely specified. This is intentional since one of the goals of this project is to encourage you to explore new ideas and think creatively. However, you should always feel free to talk with the instructor to help brainstorm ideas or narrow your project.

Also note that it is possible for more than one team to select the same project since there are many possible solutions to each of the problems proposed. However, please talk with the instructor early and often to ensure that two teams do not complete identical projects.

Sami Rollins