Following is a suggested outline for your final report:

Introduction - Provide the motivation for your project here. You should discuss why the problem or area is significant. Then, talk about the problem you want to solve. Refer to the introductions of just about any of the papers we've read for a good example.

Related Work - Choose at least two papers related to your work and discuss them here. Begin by summarizing each. The summary will be similar to the ``What are the most important points made in the paper?'' section of the paper evaluation forms you submit each week. Continue with a discussion of the problems the papers do not address. For example, you might say that a paper implements a P2P data backup application but uses a naive algorithm for balancing load between candidate server peers. In contrast, you plan to compare the performance of several load balancing algorithms.

Design - Discuss the design of your work here. You should clearly outline the architecture of your system and/or the operation of your algorithm. Make sure to focus on the elements of your work that differentiate your work from the related work.

Implementation - Discuss any relevant details of your implementation here. Focus on the element of your implementation that may affect your results.

Results - Discuss the set up of your experiments and the results you obtained here. You should discuss your experimental set up, the metrics you evaluate, and the parameters you vary. The discussion of your results should follow a format similar to the format you used for Project 1. Make sure to summarize the conclusion(s) you can draw from each graph as well as any anomalies you see.

Conclusion - A short conclusion is fine.