Project 6 - Choose Your Own Adventure

Proposal Due - Monday, November 24, 2008

Final Demo and Submission Due - Thursday, December 18, 2008

For this project, you will propose and implement a project of your choosing. The lecture period on November 24 will be devoted to discussion of your proposal. By November 24, you will need to submit a 1-2 paragraph description of your project. I will respond promptly with any comments about your proposal.

For this project, you may choose to work in teams of 2. I will expect teams to complete roughly 2 times more work than individuals, and each team member will receive a grade based on my assessment of the individual contributions.

Your final grade will be based upon your proposal, the functionality of your final submission, the design of your final submission, the degree of difficulty of your proposed project, and a demonstration of your work. Upon reading your proposal I will give you feedback on the level of difficulty of the project.  You must make an appointment with me before the due date to demonstrate your project.

Following are several ideas for Project 6. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, and is meant to inspire your creativity.

MAC Protocol

Implement and evaluate a MAC protocol you design, or one from the literature.

Time Synchronization

Implement and evaluate a time synchronization protocol you design, or one from the literature.

Directed Diffusion or SPIN

Implement directed diffusion or SPIN.

Project 5 Extension

Implement an extension to Project 5.  For example, you might expand the UI of your web application.


Design and implement an evaluation of one of your prior projects.  Submit a 5-8 page write up of your results.

Remote control

Use the SPOT accelerometer to design a Wii-like remote control, possibly for the lego mindstorms robots.

Due 3:30PM - Monday November 24, 2008

  1. Email me a 1-2 paragraph description of your proposed project. I will respond promptly with any comments about your proposal.

Due 12 noon - Thursday December 18, 2008

  1. Make an appointment to demonstrate your program.
  2. Complete and submit your working code. Place a copy of your source code and a readme in the submit directory /home/submit/cs686-f08/username.

Note: No portion of your code may be copied from any other source including another text book, a web page, or another student (current or former). You must provide citations for any sources you have used in designing and implementing your program.

Sami Rollins