CS 107-02 • Spring 2011


CS 107-02 – Computing, Robots and the Web (Android Programming Edition)
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:55am – 11:40am
Harney Science Center, Room 235

Website: http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~sjengle/courses/spring2011/cs10702/
Mailing List: https://cs.usfca.edu/mailman/listinfo/cs10702

Download Entire Course Syllabus (PDF)


Please download the entire course syllabus above. Below are only some highlights from this syllabus.


Sophie Engle

Office Hours:
Harney Science Center • Room 140B
Mondays & Wednesdays 4:45pm – 5:45pm,
Tuesdays 11:45am – 12:45pm, and by appointment

Topics and Schedule

We will cover several different type of apps, folding in a discussion of programming and problem-solving in each section. The topics will be:

We will spend approximately two weeks on each subject. There will also be two exams (see below), occurring in the middle and towards the end of the semester.

This is subject to change at any time. Please see the schedule on the course website for the latest.


The final grade will be calculated as follows:

10% Participation
25% Lab Assignments
25% Group Projects
40% Midterm Exams (2)

Instead of a final exam, students will be expected to complete and present a final project. More information about the final project will be provided later in the semester.

More details in the entire course syllabus. Download now.

Late Policy

All deadlines are firm. Students are responsible for meeting all homework and project deadlines. Extensions will not be granted and late homework will not be accepted except in case of verified medical or family emergency. You must discuss your situation with me personally before the deadline to receive an extension. The same holds for all exams.

Academic Honesty

Simply put, do not cheat and do not plagiarize or copy (from other students or from the web). I expect all students to adhere to the academic honesty policies at USF. More information is available in the Fogcutter Student Handbook, available at http://www.usfca.edu/fogcutter/studentconduct/.

Students caught violating the academic honesty policy will face severe penalty. A first offense will result in a 0 on an assignment or exam, and a report to the Dean’s office. Repeat offenses may result in an F for the course.

More details in the entire course syllabus. Download now.