Fundamentals of visualization including data sources, representations, and graphical integrity. Visualization of scalars, vectors, and high-dimensional data. Visual perception and color theory. Applications from medical imaging, social media, sports, security and surveillance domains. PREREQ: CS 245.

Instructor: Alark Joshi


Office: HR 415

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-2pm or by appointment

Teaching Assistant: Bhumika Srinivas


Office hours:Fridays 1-3pm


In addition to the handouts and relevant readings assigned for each week, we will refer to the following text for weekly readings.


The course will be graded on a A-F basis. The grade distribution will be as follows:

  • Programming assignments: 35%
  • Reading response: 5%
  • Quizzes: 20%
  • Peer review & in-class participation: 10%
  • Final Project: 30%
Grades will be assigned as follows.

100.0-93.0 A
92.9-90.0 A-
89.9-87.0 B+
86.9-83.0 B
82.9-80.0 B-
79.9-77.0 C+
76.9-73.0 C
72.9-70.0 C-
69.9-67.0 D+
66.9-63.0 D
62.9-60.0 D-
59.9-0 F

Assignments, Responses, and Project Deliverables

All work is due at 11:59pm on the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Course Policies

Programming & Written Assignments: All your programming & written assignment must be submitted on time and through Canvas. Late work will not be accepted for any assignment, written work, or the final project.

Extra Credit: There will multiple opportunities to earn extra credit throughout the semester. These will include watching talks, leading discussions, and writing course-related posts on medium/blog.

Class Preparation & Participation: You must be prepared for every class by completing the assigned reading or watching the relevant video or listening to a podcast episode. This class will be fun and engaging for all of us if you participate actively. Please be present and active in class.

Time Commitment: In addition to the time you spend in class with me, I am expecting you to spend at least 6-8 hours outside class on the course material. Please make sure to create time slots in your calendar to prepare for and work on the assignments for this course.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is mandatory. Absences are only excused in cases of verified family or medical emergency. Topics that are discussed in class but are not available online will be part of quizzes, assignments and projects.

COVID Policy

  • If you test positive for COVID-19 and/or are unwell, please stay at home and inform me immediately as well as report the results to the COVID-19 Response Team at I will provide lecture notes, handouts, in-class assignments to you. Due to the nature of the course, I may not be able to live stream the lecture to you over Zoom.
  • If you are exposed to someone with COVID-19, please get tested as soon as possible, stay at home, and inform me.
  • If I get COVID-19, I will inform you immediately and will provide further instructions.

Students with Disabilities

If you are a student with a disability or disabling condition, or if you think you may have a disability, please contact USF Student Disability Services (SDS) at (415) 422-2613 within the first week of class, or immediately upon onset of disability, to speak with a disability specialist. If you are determined eligible for reasonable accommodations, please provide me with your SDS Verified Individualized Services and Accommodations (VISA) form, and we will discus your needs for this course. For more information, please visit: or call (415) 422-2613.

Academic Dishonesty

Students are required to follow the University's Honor Code: "As a Jesuit institution committed to cura personalis- the care and education of the whole person- USF has an obligation to embody and foster the values of honesty and integrity. USF upholds the standards of honesty and integrity from all members of the academic community. All students are expected to know and adhere to the University’s Honor Code. " You can find the full text of the code online at

This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • ALL assignments are to be completed individually unless specified, in writing, on the assignment. Academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated. This is your warning! Students are encouraged to meet with me if they have questions regarding assignments or this policy. Students caught cheating will face severe penalty.
Students may:

  • receive help from the professor and the TA.
  • discuss the requirements of the assignments, the meaning of programs, or high-level algorithms with other students or outside sources. If you have any doubt with respect to what is acceptable to discuss, speak with the professor first.
Students may NOT:

  • look at another student's code.
  • look at another student's solutions to homework problems.
  • receive unapproved help from an outside source including a tutor or a family member.
  • submit code which has, in whole or in part, been copied from any other source (including another student, a web page, or another text).
  • submit solutions to problems which have, in whole or in part, been copied from any other source (including another student, a web page, or another text).

  • Any help from a source other than the professor, the lab assistant, or a TA must be acknowledged. Example sources that must be cited are a parent, a family friend, and an outside tutor.
  • If you wish to get a tutor in the course, speak with the professor.
  • Any code submitted by a student must be completely original. No portion of a student's code may be copied from any other source (including, but not limited to, another student, a web page, or another text).

  • Students caught violating the academic honesty policy will face severe penalty. A first offense will result in a zero on the assignment and a report to the Dean's office. A second offense will result in the student failing the course.