Computer Science 245: Data Structures and Algorithms

Huffman Coding (Due Monday, March 23rd)

For your second project, you will write a program that compresses and uncompresses files using Huffman coding. To compress a file, your program will follow the following steps:
To uncompress a file, your program will follow the following steps:

If your program is called with the ``verbose'' flag (-v), you will also need to print some debugging information to standard out. If your program is called with the ``force'' flag (-f), then the file will be compressed even if the compressed file would be larger than the original file.

File Compression

Reading input files

To read in the input files, you will use the provided TextFile class, which has the following methods:

Magic Numbers

You only want to try to uncompress files that you actually compressed yourself. To help ensure this, you will write a "Magic Number" to the first 16 bits of the output file. When uncompressing a file, first read in these 16 bits and make sure that they match the magic number. If not, your program should print out an error message and not try to decompress the file. The "Magic Number" that you should use is 0x4846 (that is, the ASCII characeters HF).

Building Huffman Trees

Huffman trees are built from the leaves up.  See the visualizations for examples of building huffman trees.  The class notes for this project also have a thorough description of building Huffman trees.

Building Huffman Tables

Once the Huffman tree has been built, we will need to use it to create the codes for each character. We can do this by doing a traversal of the tree, keeping track of the path from the root to the current node. When a leaf is reached, we store the code (that is, path from the root to that leaf) in out code table, at the index of the character stored at the leaf.

Checking File Sizes

Once you have built the tree table, you can compute the sizes of the compressed and uncompressed files.

If the compressed file is smaller than the original file (or the code was called with the -f option), go ahead with the compression. Otherwise, do not compress the file (instead, print out a message to standard out that the file was not compressed)

Printing Huffman Files

To assist in printing out compressed files, the class BinaryFile is provided, which has the following methods:

To print a Huffman tree to the output file, we merely do a preorder traversal of the tree, printing out all of the nodes in the tree.  We will need to encode which nodes are leaves, and which nodes are
interior nodes.  We can do this by:
The BinaryFile class has methods writeBit and writeChare to assist you.  You may use some other method of your choice for serializing trees if you wish, but make sure that your method does not require more space!

Encoding File

Once the Huffman codes have been created, and the Huffman tree (and Magic Number) have been written to the output file, we only need to go through the input file again, character by character, writing out the appropriate code for each character.  Don't forget to close the output file when you are done!

File Decompression

First, we need to make sure that the magic number matches. If it does, we can go head and do the decompression. If not, then we will print out a message to standard out and exit.

Reading Huffman Tree

To read in the Huffman tree, we do a preorder traversal of the tree -- guided by the input file -- creating nodes as we go.

Decoding File

Once the tree has been built, decoding files is easy.  Start from the root of the tree, follow the appropriate child based on the next bit read in from the input file until a leaf is reached, and then print out the character stored at that leaf.

Command Line Arguments

Java allows the user to pass in command line arguments.  The input parameter to the main function is an array of strings.  If a Java main program has the prototype:

public static void main(String args[])

and the program is called with the command

% java MyProgram arg1 arg2 arg3

Then args.length == 3, args[0] = "arg1", args[1] = "arg2", and args[2] = "arg3".

Your program should expect to be called as follows:

% java Huffman (-c|-u) [-v] [-f]  infile outfile

The flags -f and -v can be in either order.  So, the following would all be legal:

Verbose Output

If a file is compressed with the "-v" option, you should print the following to standard output (using System.out.print(ln)):

If a file is uncompressed with the "-v" option, you should print out following to standard output (using System.out.print(ln)):

Due Date

This project is due at Midnight on Monday, March 23rd. The project may be turned in after Monday, but by Wednesday March 25th at Midnight for 75% credit.  Projects turned in after Midnight on March 25th will receive no credit.

Program Submission & Environment

You need to submit an electronic version of your code.  To submit electronically, submit the file (as well as all other source files that your program needs to run, including the provided files for file I/O) to the subversion repository:<username>/cs245/Project2

You may develop your code in any environment that you like, but it needs to run under linux in the labs!  While I recommend developing under linux, you may develop in Windows if you prefer, as long as your program runs under linux.  To compile and run your program in linux, create a directory that contains all of the necessary .java files.  Then compile all the files with the command

% javac *.java
You can then run you program with the command:

% java Huffman -c <input file> <output file>


It is OK for you to discuss solutions to this program with your classmates.  However, no collaboration should ever involve looking at one of your classmate's source programs!  It is usually extremely easy to determine that
someone has copied a program, even when the individual doing the copying has changed identifier names and comments.

Supporing Files