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#include <stdio.h>

void awesome_function(int x[])
    printf("The memory address of x is: %p\n", &x);
    printf("The memory address of x (again) is: %p\n", x);
    printf("Size of an array is: %zu\n", sizeof(x) / sizeof(int));

int main(void)
    int a;
    int cool_array[4049];
    //int cool_array2[4049];
    printf("The memory address of cool_array is: %p\n", cool_array);
    // This loops checks for array elements that are NOT zero
    // C does not initialize variables to 0 for us, so it could actually contain other values
    for (int i = 0; i < 4049; ++i) {
        //if (cool_array[i] != 0)
            //printf("%d\n", cool_array[i]);
    printf("Size of an array is: %zu\n", sizeof(cool_array) / sizeof(int));
    return 0;