
  1. Papademetris, X., & Joshi, A. (2009). Introduction to Programming for Image Analysis with VTK (2nd ed.). Yale IPAG.
  2. Joshi, A. (2008). Art-inspired techniques for visualizing time-varying data. VDM Verlag.

Refereed journal articles

  1. Wong, A., Joshi, A., & Engle, S. (2022). Nirmaan: Dataset generation for multiclass scatterplot studies. Electronic Imaging, 34, 1–6.
  2. Firat, E. E., Joshi, A., & Laramee, R. S. (2022). Interactive visualization literacy: The state-of-the-art. Information Visualization, 21(3), 285–310.
  3. Barajas, D. J., Apedoe, X. S., Brizan, D. G., Joshi, A. P., & Engle, S. J. (2022). Lessons Learned From Quantitatively Exploring Visualization Rubric Utilization for Peer Feedback. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 43(1), 10–21.
  4. Joshi, A., Börner, K., Laramee, R. S., Harrison, L., Firat, E. E., & Kwon, B. C. (2021). Visualization Literacy for General Audiences-Can We Make A Difference? IEEE VIS 2021 Panel.
  5. Hsu, S., Kes, D., & Joshi, A. (2019). Visualizing Tweets from Confirmed Fake Russian Accounts. Electronic Imaging, 2019(1), 678–671.
  6. Laramee, R. S., Turkay, C., & Joshi, A. (2018). Visualization for smart city applications. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 38(5), 36–37.
  7. Engle, S., Whalen, S., Joshi, A., & Pollard, K. S. (2017). Unboxing cluster heatmaps. BMC Bioinformatics, 18(2), 1–15.
  8. Mason, S. G., Holley, D., Wells, A., Jain, A., Wuerzer, T., & Joshi, A. (2016). An experiment-based methodology to understand the dynamics of group decision making. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.
  9. Rattner, A. S., Guillen, D. P., Joshi, A., & Garimella, S. (2016). Framework and algorithms for illustrative visualizations of time-varying flows on unstructured meshes. Advances in Engineering Software, 97, 72–84.
  10. Hafez, A., Squires, R., Pedracini, A., Joshi, A., Seegmiller, R. E., & Oxford, J. T. (2015). Col11a1 regulates bone microarchitecture during embryonic development. Journal of Developmental Biology, 3(4), 158–176.
  11. Mason, S., Holley, D., Wells, A., Joshi, A., Jain, A., & Wuerzer, T. (2014). Social Network Analysis: A Means to Discovering the Tipping Point in Gaining Cooperation?
  12. Guillen, D. P., Rattner, A. S., Joshi, A., & Garimella, S. (2013). Extensible framework for illustrative visualization of time-varying flows. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 108, 974–976.
  13. Gertman, V., Olsoy, P., Glenn, N., & Joshi, A. (2012). Combining Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data in the CAVE TM.
  14. Joshi, A., Scheinost, D., Okuda, H., Belhachemi, D., Murphy, I., Staib, L. H., & Papademetris, X. (2011). Unified framework for development, deployment and robust testing of neuroimaging algorithms. Neuroinformatics, 9, 69–84.
  15. Joshi, A., Caban, J., Rheingans, P., & Sparling, L. (2008). Case study on visualizing hurricanes using illustration-inspired techniques. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(5), 709–718.
  16. Joshi, A., Qian, X., Dione, D., Bulsara, K., Breuer, C., Sinusas, A., & Papademetris, X. (2008). Effective visualization of complex vascular structures using a non-parametric vessel detection method. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14(6), 1603–1610.
  17. Joshi, A., Scheinost, D., Vives, K., Spencer, D., Staib, L., & Papademetris, X. (2008). Novel interaction techniques for neurosurgical planning and stereotactic navigation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14(6), 1587–1594.
  18. Caban, J. J., Joshi, A., & Nagy, P. (2007). Rapid development of medical imaging tools with open-source libraries. Journal of Digital Imaging, 20, 83–93.
  19. Caban, J., Joshi, A., & Rheingans, P. (2007). Texture-based feature tracking for effective time-varying data visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(6), 1472–1479.

Refereed conference proceedings

  1. Srinivas, C., Firat E. E., Laramee R. S., Joshi A. (2024). An Inductive Approach for Identification of Barriers to PCP Literacy, In the Proceedings of the IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization Education, Literacy, and Activities, 2024.
  2. Joshi, A., Srinivas, C., Firat, E. E., Laramee, R. S. (2024). Evaluating the Recommendations of LLMs to Teach a Visualization Technique using Bloom's Taxonomy, In the Proceedings of the Visualization and Data Analysis Conference (VDA), 2024.
  3. Joshi, A. (2023). Assessing the Impact of Specifications Grading on a Data Visualization course. Frontiers in Education (FIE), 2023.
  4. Firat, E. E., Lang, C., Srinivas, B., Peng, I., Laramee, R. S., & Joshi, A. (2023). A Constructivism-based Approach to Treemap Literacy in the Classroom. COMPUTER GRAPHICS Forum, 42(2).
  5. Joshi, A., Engle, S., Malensek, M., Brooks, C., Apedoe, X., & Moore, S. (2023). Acknowledging Inequities in Tech through a Community-Engaged Learning course. Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2, 1288–1288.
  6. Peng, I., Firat, E. E., Laramee, R. S., & Joshi, A. (2022). Evaluating Bloom’s taxonomy-based learning modules for parallel coordinates literacy. COMPUTER GRAPHICS Forum, 41(2).
  7. Bhavsar, V., Nehe, U., Mandke, A., Sardeshmukh, S., & Joshi, A. (2022). Speech-based Data Exploration for Diabetes Management among Older Adults. NLVIZ: Exploring Research Opportunities for Natural Language, Text, and Data Visualization Workshop at IEEE Visualization.
  8. Horak, T., Aigner, W., Brehmer, M., Joshi, A., & Tominski, C. (2021). Responsive visualization design for mobile devices. Mobile Data Visualization, 33–66.
  9. Kumar, A. N., Doyle, M., Hong, V., Joshi, A., Kurkovsky, S., & Rollins, S. (2021). Helping Academically Talented STEM Students with Financial Need Succeed. 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1–9.
  10. Rollins, S. N., Joshi, A., Apedoe, X., Engle, S., Malensek, M., & Bruno, G. (2021). Understanding Professional Identity Development Among Computer Science Students. ASEE Annual Conference Exposition Proceedings.
  11. Vermeulen, J., Collins, C., Dachselt, R., Irani, P., & Joshi, A. (2021). Reflections on Ubiquitous Visualization. Mobile Data Visualization, 263–316.
  12. Lu, M., Wong, E., Barajas, D., Li, X., Ogundipe, M., Wilson, N., Garg, P., Joshi, A., & Malensek, M. (2020). AGAMI: Scalable Visual Analytics over Multidimensional Data Streams. 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT), 57–66.
  13. Engle, S., Rollins, S., Bruno, G., Joshi, A., Apedoe, X., & Malensek, M. (2020). Engendering Community to Computer Science Freshmen through an Early Arrival Program. ASEE.
  14. Joshi, A., Schmidt, M., Panter, S., & Jain, A. (2020). Evaluating the benefits of team-based learning in a systems programming class. 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1–7.
  15. Joshi, A., Jain, A., Covelli, E., Andersen, T., & Yeh, J.-haw. (2019). A Sustainable Model for High-School Teacher Preparation in Computer Science. Frontiers in Education 2019.
  16. Joshi, A., Luu, P., Tucker, D. M., & Shofner, S. D. (2019). Leveraging Models of Human Reasoning to Identify EEG Electrodes in Images With Neural Networks. Optoelectronics in Machine Vision-Based Theories and Applications, 106–133.
  17. Thirani, M. V., Reddy, B. M. B., Yan, S. M. R., Banerjee, N. M., & Joshi, A. (2018). Influencing Participant Behavior Through a Notification-Based Recommendation System. Persuasive Technology: 13th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2018, Waterloo, ON, Canada, April 18-19, 2018, Proceedings, 10809, 113.
  18. Chen, H., Engle, S., Joshi, A., Ragan, E. D., Yuksel, B. F., & Harrison, L. (2018). Using animation to alleviate overdraw in multiclass scatterplot matrices. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–12.
  19. Joshi, A., & Jain, A. (2018). Reflecting on the Impact of a Course on Inclusive Strategies for Teaching Computer Science. Frontiers in Education 2018.
  20. Matsusaki, S., Han, X., Joshi, A., & Engle, S. (2016). Interactive Exploration of Multidimensional YouTube Data Using the GPLOM Technique. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, 142–143.
  21. Haber, C., Yiu, L. O., Joshi, A., & Engle, S. (2016). Do Defaults Matter? Evaluating the Effect of Defaults on User Preference for Multi-Class Scatterplots. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, 91–95.
  22. Law, M., Rollins, S., Banerjee, N., & Joshi, A. (2015). Visualization-assisted Insights into Home Energy Usage. EuroVis (Short Papers), 91–95.
  23. Games, P. S., & Joshi, A. (2014). Visualization of off-screen data on tablets using context-providing bar graphs and scatter plots. Visualization and Data Analysis 2014, 9017, 132–146.
  24. Dykes, J., Keefe, D. F., Kindlmann, G., Munzner, T., & Joshi, A. (2010). Panel: Perspectives on Teaching Data Visualization (Best Panel Award). IEEE VisWeek 2010.
  25. Joshi, A., & Rheingans, P. (2008). Evaluation of illustration-inspired techniques for time-varying data visualization. Computer Graphics Forum, 27(3), 999–1006.
  26. Joshi, A., & Rheingans, P. (2005). Illustration-inspired techniques for visualizing time-varying data. Visualization, 2005. VIS 05. IEEE, 679–686.