ECS150 TA Website

last updated
Homework 3

General Information

You can find the original homework document here (or here). This homework assignment is 14% of your final grade. The deadline is 11:59pm, Saturday December 6th.

Handin Information

Please include a Makefile and readme with your program. The source code (and other required files) should be saved to your virtual floppy drive (fd1) in Minix. (For help with the virtual floppy, please see the 'Using Minix' section.) Please name your files and directories such that we can find your homework.

To hand in your code, simply hand in a compressed version of floppy.img. The homework handin procedure can be found in the 'General Info' section. Here are the specific commands you will need for this assignment:

Compression: zip floppy.img
Submission: handin cs150 hw3
Verify Submission: handin cs150 hw3

Please do not forget to compress floppy.img before submitting! Below is a screenshot illustrating the entire procedure:

Sample Core File

You can download sample core files here and here. You can also download a floppy image with both core files here. Here are the results you should get:

p_nr          = 4      
p_int_blocked = 0      
p_int_held    = 0      
p_flags       = 16     
p_pid         = 258 
user_time     = 0
sys_time      = 12 
child_utime   = 0 
child_stime   = 0 
p_alarm       = 0
p_name        = a.out
p_nr          = 7                                                     
p_int_blocked = 0                                                     
p_int_held    = 0                                                     
p_flags       = 16                                                    
p_pid         = 57                                                    
user_time     = 0                                                     
sys_time      = 11                                                    
child_utime   = 0                                                     
child_stime   = 0                                                     
p_alarm       = 0                                                     
p_name        = samplecore

Homework Clarification

Your program should take one parameter: the name of a core file to read.